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John Fetterman Advocates For Legal, Taxed, And Safe Marijuana

 April 21, 2024

On a significant date for marijuana supporters, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) made a public plea for the legalization of recreational cannabis across Pennsylvania and the nation.

Fetterman emphasized the safe, regulated, and bipartisan nature of his push for marijuana legalization during his recent advocacy efforts, as Fox News reports.

The congressman utilized the symbolic date of April 20 to advocate for a pivotal shift in marijuana policies.

During an interview with Fox News Digital, Fetterman highlighted the disparities between marijuana laws in Pennsylvania, where only medicinal use is sanctioned, and places like Washington, D.C., where adults can legally purchase marijuana for recreational use.

"Right now, we're doing this interview in Washington, D.C., and right now, I could leave [and] go buy marijuana legally," remarked Fetterman during the interview. His comments underline the irony of the situation given Pennsylvania’s restrictive stance despite mounting public support and legislative changes in neighboring states.

Fetterman Highlights Regional Discrepancies And Public Support

Reflecting on his election campaign experiences, Fetterman shared that even five years ago, there was a hearty appetite among Pennsylvanians for the legalization of marijuana. "Pennsylvanians wanted this five years ago. We're still not there," he expressed, indicating a significant lag in legislative adaptation in his home state compared to its neighbors.

States adjacent to Pennsylvania -- including Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia -- have progressed by legalizing marijuana for adult recreational use.

This regional shift sets a precedent and, according to Fetterman, creates an environment ripe for Pennsylvania to follow suit. "It's not complicated. Other states have done that," he stated, pushing for a straightforward approach to legalization.

The Push for Federal Reform

Fetterman's advocacy extends beyond state lines, reaching into federal territories where he has urged President Joe Biden to liberalize national marijuana policies. A key aspect of his plea includes descheduling marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, where it's still classified as a high-risk drug devoid of accepted medical use -- a categorization Fetterman and many experts contest.

"It needs to be safe, pure, taxed, and available," Fetterman asserted, emphasizing how regulated legalization can tackle issues related to the safety of marijuana consumption. He points out the risk of unregulated products being contaminated, such as with dangerous substances like fentanyl.

Anticipated Benefits of Legalization

By championing legalization, Fetterman also highlights the potential economic and social justice benefits. He explicitly opposes the criminal repercussions for non-violent marijuana charges, aligning with broader criminal justice reform movements focused on decriminalization. "Any adult should be allowed to do that legally without any criminal … blowback," he argued.

Fetterman is optimistic about the evolution of marijuana policies at the state level, which he believes will drive down costs and undermine illegal markets.

"Marijuana is going to continue" to become cheaper as policy develops, and "that will absolutely eliminate any of [those] illegal markets," he noted, envisioning a regulated market that ensures both safety and affordability.

Bipartisan Support and Future Prospects

The senator emphasized the broad, bipartisan support for marijuana legalization, which spans across political divides.

"Republicans want legal weed. Democrats want legal weed," he said, highlighting the widespread appeal of legalization across party lines. This shared support, he suggests, could be the foundation for collaborative efforts to advance legalization legislation.

In conclusion, as Sen. John Fetterman advocates for marijuana legalization, his approach centers on the themes of safety, regulation, economic benefits, and bipartisan support.

He recognizes the imperfections in current state policies but remains steadfast in his belief that progressive legalization will ultimately create a safer, more equitable, and economically beneficial environment for marijuana consumption.