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1 killed, seven hurt in Tel Aviv terror attack

By Sarah May on
 April 8, 2023

A harrowing scene unfolded in Tel Aviv, Israel Friday when a terrorist attack on a popular promenade left a tourist from Italy dead and seven others hurt, as the Times of Israel reports.

The incident occurred at the city's Charles Clore Park when the attacker used a vehicle in an attempt to inflict maximum damage and reportedly endeavored to grab a weapon to cause additional carnage.

Tel Aviv terror attack

Emergency responders confirmed that the fatally injured victim was a man in his 30s.

That individual was subsequently identified as 35-year-old lawyer Alessandro Parini, a resident of Rome.

Those who sustained injuries in the attack were said also be tourists hailing from Italy as well as from the United Kingdom, according to the outlet.

Three of the seven injured were reportedly in “moderate” condition immediately following the incident, and by Saturday, only three remained in the hospital and were classified in good condition.

Italian officials react

In the wake of the event that killed one of her countrymen, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni condemned what she dubbed a “cowardly attack” and expressed her support for Israel.

Meloni wrote on Twitter, “Deep sorrow and condolences for the death of one of our nationals, Alessandro Parini, in the terrorist attack that took place in the evening in Tel Aviv.”

“Condolences to the victim's family, to the wounded, and solidarity with the State of Israel for the cowardly attack that hit him,” Meloni added.

Antonio Tajani, Italian deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, expressed similar sentiments and indicated that he was in communication with officials in Israel regarding the tragedy.

Tensions on the rise

The attack on the promenade was the second violent incident of the day, with a pair of British-Israeli sisters having been killed in the occupied West Bank when the car in which they were riding was shot at, causing it to crash, as the Guardian noted.

The mother of the two deceased siblings was also seriously injured in the incident. The ages of the three family members have been reported as 48, 20, and 16, respectively.

According to the mayor of Efrat, where the family resided, revealed that they had moved to Israel from the U.K., and the father of the two young females had been driving just ahead of them in a separate vehicle when the shooting attack took place.

A hunt for those responsible has reportedly been initiated by the Israeli army, but no word has yet emerged as to their identity.

Reservists summoned

As the Guardian reported separately, the Israeli government began the process of calling up army and other law enforcement reservists Saturday in response to Friday's violence.

The recent uptick in violence comes after hostilities broke out between Israeli police and Palestinians Wednesday at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and is the latest escalation in what has been a pattern of increased conflict in the region.

Violence that has taken place during the Muslim observance of Ramadan and ahead of the Passover holiday for Jews has followed on the heels of an historically bloody start to 2023, according to the Guardian.

As such, Israeli military chief Herzi Halevi commanded the Israeli Defense Forces to mobilize reservist soldiers in a call-up that will concentrate on air defense units, fighter jet pilots, and attack drone operators,” according to the Times of Israel, perhaps suggesting that hope is fading that the conflict will abate in the immediate future.