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3 dead, many more injured in attack by Iranian militia

 January 29, 2024

A drone attack by Iranian militia in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border has resulted in the death of three U.S. service members and injured at least 25 others.

The tragic incident occurred on Sunday at a U.S. military outpost. This marks the first time U.S. troops have been killed by enemy fire in the Middle East since the Israel-Hamas war began in early October.

The severity of the attack has sparked a significant response from political figures, including former President Donald Trump, who criticized the Biden administration's policies, as FOX News reported.

Trump criticizes Biden administration

Former President Trump expressed his deep condolences to the families of the fallen service members.

In a series of posts on his Truth Social page, he vehemently criticized President Biden's approach to Middle Eastern politics. He wrote:

The drone attack on a U.S. Military Installation in Jordan, killing 3 American Servicemembers, and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America.

Trump accused the current administration of showing weakness, suggesting that such incidents would not have occurred under his presidency. He linked this event to broader international conflicts, including the war in Ukraine and tensions in the Middle East.

Republican leaders demand action

Following the attack, several Republican leaders have voiced their concerns.

They argue that the Biden administration's policies towards Iran have been too lenient, potentially contributing to the recent violence.

Sen. Tim Scott and Representative Mike Rogers, among others, have called for a tougher stance against Iran. They attribute the recent attack to the Iranian regime's influence in the region. Scott stated:

Enough is enough. The Biden administration’s appeasement of Iran must end. It’s time for clear and decisive action, and Iran must be held accountable for the malign activities of its proxies.

Seeking a return to "Peace Through Strength"

Trump and other Republicans have emphasized the need for a stronger U.S. presence and policy in global affairs.

They advocate for a return to the "Peace Through Strength' doctrine," arguing that this approach would prevent further loss of American lives.

Trump concluded his remarks by asserting the necessity of a change in leadership to ensure the safety and stability of the United States and its interests abroad.

Trump expressed:

This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, and no more loss of precious American lives.

Historical context of the attack

This recent attack in Jordan is particularly significant as it marks the first loss of U.S. military lives due to enemy action in the region since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The incident raises questions about the effectiveness of current U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

Experts suggest that the attack could have broader implications for U.S. involvement in Middle Eastern affairs. The tragedy has brought the issue of American military presence and policy in the region back into the limelight.

Implications for U.S.-Iran relations

The drone attack has further strained the already tense U.S.-Iran relations.

Accusations of Iranian support for militias in the region have been a longstanding concern for U.S. foreign policy.

With the Biden administration's approach under scrutiny, there is a growing call for a reassessment of the U.S. stance towards Iran, especially in light of the recent events.


  • The drone strike in Jordan led to the death of three U.S. service members and injured at least 25.
  • Former President Trump and other Republicans criticized the Biden administration's approach to Middle Eastern policy.
  • The attack has reignited debate over U.S. foreign policy, particularly towards Iran andits influence in the region.
  • There is a growing call for a reassessment of the U.S. stance towards Iran and a return to a more assertive foreign policy.