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Trump Predicts Biden's Debate Prep Will Involve Medical Boost

 June 25, 2024

During a rally in Philadelphia, Former President Donald Trump made controversial comments about President Joe Biden's preparations for the upcoming presidential debate on June 27.

Trump claimed that Biden, who has been preparing at Camp David, would receive a medical boost and enter Thursday's debate venue “all jacked up," as the Daily Wire reports.

The rally, which took place shortly before the scheduled debate, saw Trump mock President Biden's choice of retreat.

According to Trump, Biden retreated to Camp David last week to ready himself for the battle. During his speech, Trump suggested that Biden is taking advantage of the serene environment at Camp David to sleep and rest.

Trump Questions Biden's Debate Preparations

Trump didn’t miss the opportunity to further speculate on Biden’s debate readiness. Speaking to the crowd, he insinuated that Biden might be getting some form of medical help before taking the stage.

“As you know, it’s been reported that Crooked Joe has gone to a log cabin to 'study, prepare,’” Trump told the rally attendees. “No, he didn’t do, he’s sleeping now because they want to get him good and strong.”

Trump went on to insinuate that President Biden might receive a medical injection to boost his performance. “A little before debate time, he gets a shot in the a**,” Trump continued. “They want to strengthen him up so he comes out, he’ll come out – okay, I say he’ll come out all jacked up, right? All jacked up.”

Trump Hints at Vice-Presidential Pick

During the same rally, Trump also revealed that he has made a decision regarding his vice-presidential pick. While he refrained from naming the individual, he did mention that the person would “most likely” be present at the debate.

The former president went on to mention potential candidates for the role, including North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. JD Vance of Ohio. He noted that these individuals are the primary contenders for the position.

Additionally, Trump alluded to another candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who has faced some obstacles due to lingering questions regarding his enthusiasm for the campaign.

Biden-Harris Campaign Gears Up

Meanwhile, President Biden is reportedly at Camp David, actively preparing for the upcoming debate. The Biden-Harris campaign is planning to utilize this debate as a key moment to emphasize their strengths compared to Trump.

According to a memo from Biden-Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler, “With the debate just days away, Team Biden-Harris is putting a magnifying glass on the choice this week as Democrats in Atlanta and across the country organize around this moment.”

Trump and Biden to Share Stage Again

This debate marks the first time Biden and Trump will share a stage since the 2020 presidential race. The event has garnered significant attention, with both campaigns gearing up for a pivotal moment in this election cycle.

Trump assured his supporters that despite the debate being days away, his campaign's presence would be substantial. “They’ll be there,” he added, referring to his vice-presidential pick. “I think we have a lot of people coming.”

The anticipation surrounding the debate continues to build as both candidates prepare to present their platforms and counter each other's positions. The outcome of this debate could play a crucial role in shaping public opinion as the election draws nearer.


In the lead-up to the presidential debate, former President Donald Trump mocked President Joe Biden’s preparation strategies, suggesting that Biden would benefit from a medical boost.

Trump also hinted at his vice-presidential pick, though he did not disclose any names.

The Biden-Harris campaign is actively strategizing to highlight Biden's strengths during the debate. This event marks the first time Biden and Trump will face each other on stage since the 2020 race, stirring considerable interest and anticipation.