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Manchin Criticizes Harris Over Filibuster Stance on Abortion Bill, Will Not Endorse

 September 25, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent endorsement of a filibuster carve-out to pass federal abortion legislation has drawn sharp criticism from Sen. Joe Manchin.

The senator, who has long defended the filibuster as a key procedural safeguard, said that Harris' stance undermines democracy and declared that he would not support her potential presidential candidacy as a result, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Manchin has been a consistent proponent of maintaining the filibuster throughout his tenure in the Senate. He has opposed any efforts to weaken the 60-vote threshold, arguing that it encourages bipartisan cooperation and stabilizes the country’s political processes.

Harris’s push to bypass the filibuster, however, focuses on advancing abortion protections in light of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Harris Pushes for Filibuster Reform Amid Abortion Debate

Harris outlined her support for a filibuster carve-out during an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio. She expressed her belief that the legislative threshold should be lowered to 51 votes in order to codify abortion rights at the federal level. For Harris, the goal is to reestablish protections that were removed when the Supreme Court overturned the longstanding Roe v. Wade decision.

“We should eliminate the filibuster for Roe and get us to the point where... 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back into law the protections for reproductive freedom,” Harris said. She emphasized the importance of individual choice when it comes to reproductive health and criticized government interference in personal decisions.

Manchin Calls Filibuster 'Holy Grail of Democracy'

Manchin did not hesitate to push back against Harris’s comments. Speaking to CNN, the West Virginia senator expressed his deep disagreement with the vice president’s stance, calling the filibuster “the Holy Grail of democracy.” According to Manchin, the filibuster is essential to ensuring that lawmakers from both parties continue to communicate and collaborate, preventing the country from falling into partisan conflict.

“Shame on her,” Manchin said of Harris’s proposal. “She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together.”

Manchin has maintained this position for years, viewing the 60-vote threshold as a safeguard against rapid and extreme legislative changes. For him, weakening the filibuster could lead to instability, a sentiment he reiterated during his latest public statements.

Sinema Joins Manchin in Opposing Harris

Manchin’s criticism of Harris’s proposal was echoed by another former Democratic senator, Kyrsten Sinema. Like Manchin, Sinema supports the preservation of the filibuster and warned against the consequences of removing it, particularly on such a divisive issue as abortion. Sinema described the proposal as “shortsighted” and argued that a future Congress could use the same tactic to pass sweeping legislation that would ban abortion nationwide.

Though both Manchin and Sinema have become independents, they continue to emphasize the need for bipartisan cooperation in the Senate. Neither is running for reelection, but they remain vocal about maintaining the filibuster as a core part of the legislative process.

Manchin’s Presidential Aspirations Fade

Earlier this year, Manchin formally left the Democratic Party, fueling speculation about a potential independent run for president. However, despite initial considerations, the senator recently announced that he would not seek the presidency, either as an independent or under the Democratic banner. His departure from the party and his decision not to pursue higher office have allowed him more flexibility in openly criticizing figures like Harris.

Despite his refusal to run, Manchin remains an influential voice in U.S. politics, particularly regarding his staunch defense of the filibuster. His opposition to Harris’s stance on abortion legislation only strengthens his long-held view that removing the filibuster would have damaging consequences for the country.

Harris Faces Opposition from Both Sides

Harris’s position on the filibuster has left her facing opposition not only from Republicans but also from within her former party. As she advocates for abortion protections, her proposal to bypass the filibuster has raised concerns that such a move could backfire in the long term. Both Manchin and Sinema, once Democrats, now stand firmly against her strategy, arguing that it would open the door for more extreme measures in future administrations.

For Harris, the stakes are high, as she aims to rally support for abortion rights while navigating the complex dynamics of Senate rules. Her stance represents a bold effort to advance reproductive freedom, but it has also triggered significant backlash from political figures on both sides of the aisle.

Conclusion: Filibuster Debate Heats Up

In the ongoing battle over the future of the filibuster, Vice President Harris has found herself at odds with two of the Senate’s most vocal defenders of the rule.

Manchin and Sinema’s criticisms reflect deep concerns about the stability of the legislative process and the risks associated with altering the filibuster to pass specific legislation. Harris, on the other hand, continues to advocate for reform in order to protect abortion rights, leaving the future of both the filibuster and the abortion debate uncertain.

As Harris pushes forward with her agenda, the opposition from Manchin and Sinema underscores the complexities of balancing party ideals with institutional norms. This debate over the filibuster could shape the trajectory of not only abortion legislation but also broader political negotiations in the years to come.