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55% Of Voters See Tim Walz Valor Claims As Serious

 August 20, 2024

Minnesota Gov. and Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz is at the center of a controversy involving accusations of stolen valor, a term used to describe the false embellishment of military service.

The accusations, which suggest that Walz exaggerated his military record, have sparked a significant reaction among voters, and a recent Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that 55% of likely voters consider these allegations serious, indicating potential ramifications for Walz's political future, as Breitbart reports.

Walz, who served 24 years in the Minnesota National Guard, is accused of falsely enhancing his military record, particularly regarding his involvement in combat.

Despite his long tenure in the National Guard, Walz never served in a combat zone, a fact that has come under scrutiny due to his claims of carrying "weapons of war in war," a statement that critics argue is misleading.

False Claims About Combat Experience

The accusations against Walz are rooted in his assertions of having combat experience, which he allegedly used to bolster his public image.

According to critics, Walz has accepted praise as a combat veteran without correcting these claims, despite the fact that he is not a combat veteran. This behavior has led to charges of stolen valor, a serious accusation that questions the integrity of his military service narrative.

In 2005, Walz retired from the National Guard before the end of his enlistment contract, a move that coincided with his unit's impending deployment to Iraq.

This decision has further fueled the controversy, as it suggests that Walz may have sought to avoid serving in a combat zone. Critics argue that this undermines his credibility as a leader who would be responsible for making decisions in times of conflict.

Promotion Revoked Due to Incomplete Work

Another aspect of the controversy involves Walz's military rank at the time of his retirement. For years, Walz has claimed that he retired as a Command Sergeant Major, the highest enlisted rank in the Army.

However, it has since been revealed that his promotion to this rank was revoked because he did not complete the required training at the Sergeant Majors Academy.

Instead, Walz retired as a Master Sergeant, a significant discrepancy that has added to the criticism he faces.

The Rasmussen Reports survey indicates that the stolen valor accusations have resonated with a broad spectrum of voters. Notably, 55% of black voters and 67% of Hispanic voters view the allegations as serious, highlighting the potential impact on key demographic groups in the upcoming election.

Voter Sentiment Reflects Concerns Over Walz's Integrity

The survey also explored how the accusations might influence voters' decisions. When asked how the stolen valor allegations might affect their likelihood of voting for Kamala Harris, who has chosen Walz as her running mate, 34% of respondents said they would be less likely to vote for the ticket, while 16% said they would be more likely to do so. A significant portion of voters, 45%, indicated that the accusations would not change their vote, suggesting a divided electorate.

Despite the controversy, half of the voters surveyed believe that Harris should keep Walz as her running mate, while 29% think she should choose a different vice-presidential candidate. This split reflects the broader uncertainty surrounding the issue and its potential impact on the 2024 presidential race.

Media Coverage and Republican Response

The stolen valor accusations have also led to criticism of the media's coverage of the story. Some observers accuse the corporate media of downplaying the allegations against Walz while scrutinizing the military service of Republican nominee Sen. JD Vance, who served in Iraq. This perceived double standard has sparked debate about the fairness of media reporting in the current political climate.

As the election approaches, it is anticipated that Republican leaders will more aggressively address the stolen valor accusations if Walz is officially confirmed as the vice-presidential nominee. The issue could become a focal point in the campaign, with both sides using it to sway voters.

Conclusion: Accusations Could Shape Election Outcome

The allegations of stolen valor against Tim Walz have become a significant issue in the 2024 election, with a majority of voters viewing them as serious.

Walz's claims about his military service, his abrupt retirement before deployment, and the revocation of his promotion have all contributed to the controversy.

As voters weigh the integrity of the candidates, these accusations could play a critical role in shaping the outcome of the election.