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It's Official - 12 Biden Family Members Have Been...

 April 24, 2023

Republican Rep. James Comer (KY-01), the chair of the House Oversight Committee, has stated there could be as many as 12 members of the Biden family involved in influence-peddling deals, reported the Daily Mail.

Comer reportedly knows that nine members of the family have engaged in corrupt deals, and suspects that there could be three more.

What are the Bidens accused of doing?

During an appearance on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo on April 23, Comer explored the work his committee was doing on potential Biden family corruption.

Responding to a question from Bartiromo about "the Biden family receiving money from adversaries," the chairman revealed he had compiled a list of at least nine Biden family members who had been the subject of "suspicious activity reports" by banks to the Treasury Department.

Comer revealed these findings were the result of a research effort that looked at thousands of pages of documents.

The Congressman then explained that Chinese-linked organizations had apparently wired money to the accounts of LLCs Biden family members had set up, and that this had triggered suspicious activity reports.

Comer said the number of these LLCs, which were set up to "disguise or launder" the source of revenue streams, was much higher than initially suspected.

There are allegedly also other foreign nations the Bidens were doing deals with, some of which were even less reputable than China, according to Comer.

The pair then speculated about the likely reasons for the payments, with Bartiromo suggesting the possibility that they were made in order to allow Chinese companies to bypass federal securities laws.

Comer has named Hallie Biden (the widow of President Joe Biden's late son Beau) and Jim Biden, the president's brother, reported the Daily Mail.

The Mail also reported a statement from Comer's office revealing that the lawmaker does not plan to reveal the other names yet.

Democratic response

A representative of the Democrats on the Oversight Committee made a statement to the Mail alleging Comer had "failed to uncover evidence of any wrongdoing by President Biden."

Democrats on the panel also reportedly said that Comer's findings are a mischaracterization of suspicious activity reports as "evidence of misconduct or criminality, instead of calling them what they are: unsubstantiated tips that rarely result in any follow-up by law enforcement."

The White House did not immediately respond to Comer's remarks, the New York Post reported.

Other legal troubles for the Biden family

Hunter Biden, the president's son, remains in the midst of a legal battle surrounding his financial and tax affairs.

The New York Post reported that Biden's lawyers are scheduled to meet Justice Department attorneys in the coming days about potential charges their client could face.

The Post report reveals Biden could be looking at a felony count of evading taxes relating to a business expense, two misdemeanor counts of failing to file taxes, and a charge of lying about his drug use on a firearm purchase form.