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Washington Post Editorial Acknowledges WH Efforts to Hide Biden's Decline

 August 21, 2024

President Joe Biden’s decision to step down from his re-election bid last month has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, and his withdrawal came after a long period of speculation regarding his mental fitness, which had been a point of concern for critics throughout his presidency.

It has now been revealed that Biden's inner circle worked diligently to conceal his mental decline, a fact recently -- and perhaps surprisingly -- acknowledged by the Democrat-friendly Washington Post editorial board, as Fox News reports.

The editorial board's admission sheds new light on the internal struggles within the Biden administration as members attempted to maintain the president's image while facing increasing scrutiny.

Washington Post Admits to Concealment

In a candid editorial published on Tuesday, Post admitted that President Biden’s inner circle played a significant role in concealing the signs of his decline. The editorial acknowledged that the 81-year-old president had shown signs of slipping for a long time, but those closest to him worked tirelessly to mask these issues from the public eye.

This revelation has added fuel to the fire of recent debates surrounding Biden’s ability to serve another term. For years, critics have raised concerns about his mental fitness, questioning whether he was capable of handling the demands of the presidency. These concerns were often dismissed by Biden's supporters, but the recent editorial has brought them back into the spotlight, even after his decision to abandon re-election hopes has already been made.

Democratic Leaders Push for Change

Biden’s re-election campaign was marked by increasing doubts from within his own party. Democratic leaders, worried about the potential consequences of another term under Biden, began to pressure him to step aside. The tipping point came during a debate against Trump, where Biden's performance was widely regarded as poor, leading to a swift shift in support among high-profile Democrats and the media.

Despite these mounting concerns, Biden and White House officials consistently insisted that the president was still mentally sharp. However, the Post editorial suggests that the reality behind the scenes was far more complex.

The Role of the Media

The editorial also references a previously dismissed report by the Wall Street Journal that highlighted concerns about Biden’s decline. At the time, the White House reacted strongly against the WSJ piece, attempting to defend the President’s mental fitness. However, the Washington Post's recent admission has given new credibility to the earlier report, raising questions about the media's role in covering up or downplaying Biden's issues.

Jennifer Rubin, a columnist for the Post, had been among those defending Biden. In a June 9 article, Rubin criticized the WSJ report as "shoddy" and maintained that Biden was "perfectly fit to lead." Yet, just six weeks later, Biden exited the race, a move that seems to contradict the earlier defense of his capabilities.

Biden's Withdrawal and Its Aftermath

Biden’s decision to withdraw from the re-election race was a significant moment in recent political history. The debate against Trump served as the final straw for many, prompting a swift backlash and calls for Biden to step down. The editorial board at the Post noted that Biden might have been better off keeping his implied promise from the 2020 campaign to be a “transitional” figure, perhaps stepping aside after the Democrats’ surprisingly strong performance in the 2022 midterm elections.

Following Biden’s withdrawal, the Democratic Party quickly consolidated its support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. The party’s swift move to back Harris indicates a desire for a fresh start and a unified front as they head into the next election cycle.

Reflecting on Biden's Presidency

As Biden exits the political stage, there is a growing reflection on his presidency and the decisions that led to his eventual withdrawal. The Washington Post admission that his decline was concealed by those closest to him raises important questions about the responsibility of leaders and the media in providing transparent and accurate information to the public.

The editorial board’s acknowledgment of Biden's decline and the subsequent cover-up by his inner circle is likely to spark further debate about the ethics of such actions. It also highlights the delicate balance between protecting a leader’s image and being honest about their capabilities.

Looking Ahead

With Biden no longer in the race, the focus now shifts to the future of the Democratic Party and its leadership. Kamala Harris, as the new frontrunner, faces the challenge of uniting the party and building on the achievements of the Biden administration while addressing the concerns that led to his withdrawal.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, the implications of Biden’s exit and the revelations about his decline will likely be felt for years to come. The Washington Post’s editorial serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of leadership and the importance of transparency in public life.


The recent admission by the Washington Post that President Biden’s inner circle worked to conceal his mental decline has added a new layer to the ongoing political discourse. Critics' concerns about his fitness for office, once dismissed, have now been given new weight by the revelations.

Biden’s decision to step down following pressure from Democratic leaders, particularly after a poor debate performance, marks the end of a significant chapter in American politics.

As the Democratic Party rallies behind Kamala Harris, the focus now turns to the future, with the lessons of Biden’s presidency serving as a crucial backdrop for what lies ahead.