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Judge Judy Slams Trump Hush-Money Verdict: 'Ridiculous'

 June 23, 2024

TV personality Judge Judy Sheindlin has criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s hush-money case against former President Donald Trump, labeling it as "nonsense." Sheindlin expressed her concerns regarding the use of resources on this case rather than addressing pressing local crime issues.

Judge Judy Sheindlin, known for her sharp judicial acumen, did not mince words when discussing the hush-money case brought against Trump by Bragg, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Sheindlin, who owns property in Manhattan, called the case "nonsense" and accused Bragg of using the justice system for "personal self-aggrandizement." Her comments come after a jury convicted Trump of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records last month. The charges relate to a $130,000 payment made by Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in 2016.

Judge Judy Criticizes Resource Allocation

Sheindlin voiced her dissatisfaction with the allocation of resources to the Trump case, estimating the cost at $5 million to $10 million of taxpayers' money.

"I would be happier, as someone who owns property in Manhattan, if the district attorney of New York County would take care of criminals who were making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway," she stated. Sheindlin emphasized the need for efforts to keep local criminals off the streets.

Her remarks highlight a broader concern about the prioritization of legal cases. Sheindlin noted that the complexity of the Trump case required "twisting into a pretzel to figure out what the crime was," suggesting that it diverted attention from more straightforward and immediate criminal issues affecting everyday New Yorkers.

NYPD Reports Crime Reduction

In March 2024, the NYPD announced a reduction in crime rates compared to the previous year. Crime in the subway system decreased by 23.5%, and shootings were down by 25.9%. Despite these positive trends, Sheindlin’s comments reflect ongoing public concern about crime in Manhattan.

Sheindlin’s critique extends beyond the Trump case to a broader commentary on the effectiveness of the district attorney's office. By focusing on high-profile cases, she implies, essential resources might be diverted from addressing the everyday safety concerns of Manhattan residents.

Sheindlin’s Political Views

Judge Judy, who identifies as a political independent, has a history of outspoken views. She supported former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley during the Republican primary, signaling her willingness to cross traditional party lines based on individual candidates. Regarding Trump, Sheindlin has been clear about her stance: "I didn’t think he ever should have been president."

Her criticism of Trump, coupled with her disapproval of Bragg's handling of the case, underscores a nuanced perspective on political and legal matters. Sheindlin's views resonate with a segment of the population that is skeptical of both Trump’s past actions and the current administration’s legal strategies.

Context of Hush-Money Case

The case against Trump involves allegations that he directed Cohen to pay Daniels $130,000 to prevent her from speaking out about an alleged affair with Trump. The payment was made shortly before the 2016 presidential election, leading to charges of falsifying business records to cover up the payment.

This case has been a focal point of controversy and debate, with Trump’s supporters viewing it as a politically motivated attack, while critics argue it is a necessary pursuit of justice. Sheindlin’s comments add another layer to this ongoing discourse, emphasizing practical concerns about resource allocation and public safety.

Implications for the Justice System

Sheindlin's remarks reflect a broader critique of how legal resources are utilized in high-profile cases. Her argument that such resources could be better spent addressing local crime speaks to a common frustration among residents who feel that their immediate safety concerns are overshadowed by political and legal battles at the national level.

The complexity of the Trump case, according to Sheindlin, not only strains the justice system but also detracts from addressing more pressing criminal issues.

Her perspective invites a reconsideration of priorities within the legal framework, advocating for a focus on cases that directly impact the daily lives of citizens.


In summary, Judge Judy Sheindlin has sharply criticized the Manhattan District Attorney’s hush-money case against Donald Trump, calling it "nonsense" and questioning the allocation of resources.

She expressed concerns about local crime and suggested that efforts should focus on keeping criminals off the streets.

Sheindlin’s critique highlights a broader debate about the prioritization of legal cases and the effective use of taxpayer money, underscoring her independent political stance and ongoing commitment to public safety.