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Kansas Bank Chief Gets 24 Years for $47M Embezzlement and Crypto Scam

 August 25, 2024

In a staggering case of financial fraud, Shan Hanes, the former CEO of Heartland Tri-State Bank in Elkhart, Kansas, was sentenced to over two decades in prison.

Hanes' fraudulent activities led to a significant bank failure and severe community financial distress, and he has received 24 years behind bars as a result, as Breitbart reports.

Shan Hanes, once at the helm of Heartland Tri-State Bank, fell prey to a cryptocurrency scam that promised lucrative returns. Initially investing his personal funds, Hanes soon turned to embezzling from various sources, including the bank he led.

Throughout late 2022, Hanes was duped by scammers who used WhatsApp to introduce him to fake cryptocurrency investments. Under the guise of legitimate opportunities, the scammers gradually convinced him to increase his financial stakes.

From Personal Funds to Major Embezzlement

Hanes's descent into financial misconduct began with smaller amounts from personal and accessible funds. He misappropriated money from multiple local entities, including a church and an investment club.

As the scam deepened, Hanes’s transgressions grew, eventually leading to him raiding his daughter’s college savings and the bank’s coffers. This reckless behavior escalated over several months in 2023.

Between May and July of that year, Hanes made 11 wire transfers totaling $47 million.

These funds were directed to accounts controlled by the scammers, bypassing the bank’s established policies for wire transfers and daily limits.

Community and Shareholders Suffer

The embezzlement had a devastating impact on Elkhart, a community that trusted Heartland Tri-State Bank with their financial security. Many local shareholders, including retirees, faced significant financial losses.

In an act of desperation, Hanes sought additional funds to recover the initial amounts sent to the scammers.

He approached local businessman Brian Mitchell on July 5, 2023, requesting a $12 million loan to "activate" the scammer’s promised returns.

Mitchell declined, and the situation worsened. Over the next two days, Hanes illegally wired an additional $12.4 million to the scammers, despite multiple warnings and the obvious risks involved.

Fraud Leads to Bank’s Collapse

Shortly after these events, Hanes's misconduct was exposed, leading to his immediate dismissal from the bank. His actions were relayed to a board member by Mitchell, triggering a swift response from the bank’s leadership.

By the end of July 2023, the Kansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner had no choice but to close Heartland Tri-State Bank. The FDIC took over, ensuring depositors were protected, though shareholders were not so fortunate.

On sentencing Hanes to 293 months in prison, Judge John Broomes emphasized the former CEO’s lack of remorse and the sophisticated nature of his criminal activities. The sentence was 29 months longer than what the prosecutors had requested.

Reactions to the Scandal

U.S. Attorney Kate Brubacher commented on the case, condemning Hanes’s actions for undermining trust in financial institutions. She remarked on his boundless greed and the illegal schemes that jeopardized many lives.

Conversely, Hanes’ lawyer, John Stang, portrayed his client as a victim of the scam, which exploited his vulnerabilities and led to poor decision-making. Stang described Hanes as “the pig that was butchered” by the scammers’ manipulations.

The case of Shan Hanes serves as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the speculative world of cryptocurrency investments and the devastating consequences of deceit within trusted financial institutions.