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Jill Stein Files Suit Against Ohio Over Vote-Count Decision

 October 14, 2024


Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has launched a legal battle against Ohio election officials, challenging their decision to dismiss votes for her due to her running mate's replacement after the state deadline.

Stein's lawsuit seeks federal court intervention to ensure the counting of votes in her favor, asserting a violation of constitutional rights, as the Washington Examiner reports.

In the heart of Columbus, Ohio, Jill Stein, representing the Green Party in the presidential race, filed her case in federal court. Stein's lawsuit contends that the actions of the Ohio election authorities are disenfranchising her candidacy by not recognizing votes cast in her favor.

This legal action follows a change in Stein's running mate. Originally, Anita Rios, who previously ran for Ohio governor under the Green Party banner in 2014, was selected as her vice-presidential candidate.

However, this changed at the party's national convention in August when the Green Party decided to replace Rios with Butch Ware.

Running Mate Change Causes Legal Conflict

Following the nomination of Ware, a new set of challenges emerged. Ohio's Secretary of State's Office permitted the removal of Rios from the ballot.

However, they refused to allow the substitution with Ware’s name given that the campaign had surpassed the established deadline for altering independent vice-presidential candidates.

Dan Lusheck, spokesman for the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office, addressed the situation, emphasizing that Stein's name would remain on the election ballot. However, it was clear from his comments that any votes she received in Ohio would not be counted.

The lawsuit, representing Stein, her substitute running mate Ware, and three voters from Ohio, argues against this ruling. Allegations include the unauthorized withdrawal of Rios's candidacy by a local Green Party official, without Rios’s knowledge or consent.

Legal Outcomes Sought by Stein

Through this legal proceeding, the plaintiffs are pursuing a preliminary injunction alongside a restraining order. These legal mechanisms aim to ensure that votes cast for both Stein and her original vice-presidential pick, Rios, are considered valid in the election tally.

The dispute not only affects the current election cycle but also spotlights previous election dynamics. Notably, in the 2016 presidential election, Stein garnered 46,271 votes in Ohio, equating to 0.84% of the votes statewide.

This historical context illustrates the potential impact the current legal issue may have on vote counting practices and election outcomes.

The central argument of Stein’s lawsuit rests on a claim of electoral rights violation. By negating votes based on the late substitution of a running mate, Stein argues, Ohio's election authorities are bypassing fundamental voting rights protected under the constitution.

Historical Voting Impacts Considered

The lawsuit doesn't only focus on correcting what her campaign perceives as an immediate injustice. Instead, it seeks to set a precedent for future electoral practices, ensuring candidates and voters alike aren't placed in similarly tenuous situations.

Additionally, Stein's case is built around the principle of voter enfranchisement. Her filing underscores the idea that voters who cast ballots in genuine support of a candidate should not be penalized for procedural changes beyond their control.

Conclusion of Events and Legal Hopes

As the legal process unfolds, Stein and her team of plaintiffs hope for a swift judicial resolution that addresses their concerns and paves the way for ballot inclusivity. This case raises significant questions about election administration and candidate viability, particularly for third-party candidates operating within a predominantly two-party political system.

In summary, as Stein continues her efforts through the legal system, her case highlights the intricate legal and constitutional issues surrounding electoral processes.

The resolution of this case may have lasting impacts on the mechanics of ballot counting and political candidacy in U.S. elections.