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Newt Gingrich Applauds Mike Johnson's Patience in Managing GOP Chaos

 September 28, 2024

On Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich praised current House Speaker Mike Johnson for his leadership and poise in navigating the Republican conference.

The remarks came during the 30th anniversary of the “Contract with America,” and Gingrich reflected on the difficulties of leading a fractured party and highlighted what he said was Johnson's patience and perseverance as he manages one of the slimmest House majorities in history amidst internal party divisions and legislative challenges, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Speaking at a U.S. Capitol event, Gingrich acknowledged that Johnson faces immense pressure, particularly from hardline conservatives within the Republican Party.

Despite this, Gingrich expressed admiration for Johnson's ability to maintain composure and continue leading under such strained circumstances.

Gingrich Reflects on His Own Leadership Experiences

The “Contract with America” was a significant turning point in Republican politics, leading to sweeping victories for the party in 1994. Gingrich, a key architect of the 10-point policy plan, served as Speaker for four years. However, his tenure ended in 1998 following the GOP’s losses during the midterm elections and the contentious impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

During his speech, Gingrich reflected on the differences between his time as speaker and Johnson's current leadership. He noted that his larger majority of 230 and 236 seats gave him more flexibility, saying, "We were lucky because we had a large enough majority both times that you could have eight or 10 people go off the reservation and you’re still going to win." In contrast, Johnson must contend with a razor-thin margin that complicates his efforts to pass significant legislation.

Johnson’s Slim Majority Presents Unique Challenges

Johnson's position as speaker is particularly precarious due to the three-seat Republican majority in the House, one of the smallest in history. This slim majority leaves him frequently relying on Democratic support to pass key legislation, including spending bills and defense authorizations.

In the past two weeks, Johnson has faced significant opposition from within his party. On Sept. 18, 14 Republicans voted down a continuing resolution paired with the SAVE Act, and the following Wednesday, a clean stopgap spending bill introduced by Johnson saw 82 Republicans opposing it.

Hard-Line Conservatives Criticize Johnson's Approach

Several hardline conservatives within the Republican conference, such as Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie, have been vocal in their criticism of Johnson's leadership. These members argue that Johnson has not done enough to listen to the concerns of the party’s right-wing faction and that his reliance on Democratic votes undermines his position.

Greene, a prominent figure among the conservative faction, expressed her dissatisfaction with the current Republican leadership, stating, “I share the anger and frustration, and I don’t think Republicans deserve to be reelected to hold the majority.”

The lawmaker also voiced her belief that voters should focus their efforts on electing former President Donald Trump, viewing him as the key to maintaining Republican control of the White House.

Gingrich Acknowledges the Difficulty of Johnson's Role

Gingrich empathized with Johnson's difficult position, noting that the speaker's patience and willingness to listen to dissenting voices are critical to his leadership. Gingrich remarked, "I could never do what Mike Johnson is doing. … I can lead a charge. I am pretty good on offense. The amount of time he has to spend listening to idiots is beyond me."

This sharp critique highlighted the frustration Johnson must endure daily as he works to hold the Republican conference together. Gingrich continued, “You try it -- when you realize there are at least 14 Republicans who wake up every morning and say, ‘I’m voting no, what’s the topic,’ it’s almost impossible."

Johnson’s Strategy for Managing GOP Divisions

Johnson, despite the criticism, has developed his own strategy for dealing with the divisions within the GOP. According to Gingrich, the speaker "gets up every day and endures it," patiently working to build consensus and keep the party united.

Gingrich offered his own advice for handling such internal discord, suggesting that if he were in Johnson's position, he would gather party members in a room and refuse to let them leave until they reached a solution. “We’re gonna keep talking and we’re going to keep talking because you’ve gotta somehow learn to listen to each other,” he said, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and compromise.

Conclusion: Johnson's Leadership in a Difficult Time

Johnson's role as speaker has proven to be a test of both patience and political skill as he navigates a fractured party and a slim majority in the House.

With opposition from hardline conservatives and reliance on Democratic support, Johnson's leadership has come under scrutiny. However, as Newt Gingrich pointed out, Johnson's endurance and determination to manage the Republican conference in such challenging times is commendable.

The ongoing criticism from within his party, including from figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene, underscores the difficulties Johnson faces in balancing the demands of the right-wing faction and the necessity of passing key legislation.

As the speaker continues to lead, the challenges of uniting his party and advancing the Republican agenda remain central to his role.