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Former CA Senate Leader Switches Parties, Joins GOP Over Policy Concerns

 September 6, 2024

Former California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero made headlines this week by publicly announcing a change in her party affiliation.

Citing growing concerns about the party’s direction, Romero expressed frustration over its policies on issues like censorship and what she sees as a drift towards authoritarianism, and in a dramatic move, Romero officially joined the Republican Party and endorsed former President Donald Trump, as Fox News reports.

Romero, who served as the state Senate majority leader for three years during her tenure in Sacramento, made her announcement on the steps of the California State Capitol. Known for her prior involvement as a delegate for both Jesse Jackson and former President Barack Obama, her decision marks a sharp turn from her previous political stance.

Romero Criticizes Democratic Policies on Language, Social Issues

A notable Latina leader, Romero voiced several specific criticisms of the Democratic Party during her announcement. She accused the party of abandoning fundamental principles, particularly on social issues, and adopting policies she describes as restrictive.

"It is terrifying to see how language has been modified," Romero said, adding that she feels condemned for defining terms like "woman" and for maintaining a distinction between biological sex and gender identity. As a former professor and feminist, she emphasized the significance of these definitions in the current political landscape.

Romero also highlighted her opposition to full-term abortion, stating that while she is pro-choice, she could not stand with a party that advocates for abortion rights without limits. She further criticized the redefinition of motherhood, saying, “I refuse to call myself a ‘birthing person.’”

Concerns Over Democratic Policies Drive Shift to GOP

Romero’s departure comes as part of a larger trend, where a growing number of Latinos and Latinas are reportedly leaving the Democratic Party. She also expressed concern over economic issues and environmental policies, saying she opposes the party’s stance on appliance regulations, specifically referencing a push for electric stoves.

“As a Latina, I will not give up my gas stove; you cannot toast a tortilla on an electric range,” she said, using the issue as an example of her broader discontent with the Democratic Party’s regulatory agenda.

Romero has taken a strong stance on supporting the Republican Party's platform, stating that the GOP, in her view, is now the "party of peace." In contrast, she believes Democrats are leading the country toward "endless war."

Romero Endorses Trump and Receives GOP Support

In a move that was both symbolic and direct, Romero threw her support behind former President Donald Trump, saying, “I will vote for Donald Trump this fall.” Her endorsement reflects a growing divide between her values and the policies of the Democratic Party, which she says she can no longer support.

The Republican Party welcomed Romero with open arms. State Sen. Brian W. Jones praised her decision, noting her long history of leadership and service to the people of California. “It takes real courage to step away from the party you’ve led and stand for what is right,” Jones said in a statement, lauding her decision as a courageous step toward addressing the state's most pressing issues.

Romero’s switch follows that of another California Democratic official, state Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil, who also joined the Republican Party earlier this year. Alvarado-Gil described the Democratic Party as “unrecognizable” and accused it of failing to address California's skyrocketing costs of living, crime rates, and homelessness.

Democratic Officials Downplay Romero's Departure

While Romero’s decision has garnered attention from both parties, Democratic officials in Los Angeles were quick to dismiss her departure. Some saw her exit as insignificant, with one former party staffer remarking that the GOP was simply “drudging up old news to stay relevant.”

Mark Gonzalez, another Democrat, downplayed her move, stating, “We knew then about Gloria what California Republicans know best: the grift is real.”

However, for many observers, Romero’s exit reflects deeper concerns among Democrats, particularly Latinos, who are dissatisfied with the party’s current trajectory. As more Democratic voters, particularly in California, reconsider their political allegiances, Romero’s decision could signal a larger shift.

California’s Political Landscape Is Shifting

Romero’s high-profile exit from the Democratic Party could have broader implications for California politics, a state long known for its progressive policies. As concerns over crime, homelessness, and the cost of living continue to mount, many residents and politicians alike are questioning whether the state’s current policies are working.

State Sen. Jones echoed these concerns in his remarks, stating, “The pendulum is swinging in California. Sky-high prices, increasing crime, and record homelessness are the direct results of a broken government.” For Jones and others in the GOP, Romero’s decision is seen as part of a broader movement toward political realignment in the state.

Conclusion: A Notable Shift in California Politics

Gloria Romero’s departure from the Democratic Party marks a significant moment in California's political history. Her concerns over the party’s policies on social issues, authoritarianism, and censorship have resonated with many voters. By joining the Republican Party and endorsing Donald Trump, Romero has made a clear statement about the direction she believes the state -- and the country -- should go.

As California continues to grapple with its pressing social and economic issues, Romero’s defection is a reminder of the shifting dynamics within the state’s political landscape. With more Latinos and Latinas reconsidering their political affiliations, the future of California politics remains uncertain.