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99 on Terror Watchlist Entered US As Harris Managed Border: Report

 August 6, 2024

Nearly 100 illegal immigrants listed on the terror watchlist have been released into American communities under the current administration, a recent report from the House Judiciary Committee revealed.

This occurred while Vice President Kamala Harris was responsible for handling border security and migration, and the revelation could complicate her burgeoning presidential campaign, as the Post Millennial reports.

The report, disclosed on Monday, offers a detailed account of how individuals marked as potential national security threats have been entering the United States. Between the fiscal years of 2021 and 2023, over 250 illegal immigrants on the terror watchlist were encountered by Border Patrol. Additionally, at least 99 of these individuals were released into various American communities.

Harris was assigned the task of spearheading efforts to manage border security and migration issues. The report emphasized a rise in illegal entries, including individuals from 36 different countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

High-Risk Migrants Encountered At The Border

The Border Patrol data highlighted the alarming levels of illegal crossings. In the current fiscal year (2024), tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from countries potentially posing national security risks were encountered. Notably, these numbers included 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationals, and 541 Iranian nationals.

Eight Tajik nationals, suspected of having ties to ISIS, were arrested by ICE in June 2024. Disturbingly, three of them managed to enter the U.S. via the CBP One app. This app was purportedly designed to streamline the vetting process for those seeking entry.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas mentioned using the CBP One app to vet arrivals, though concerns about its efficacy remain prevalent.

Judicial Decisions On Watchlisted Individuals

Compounding the issue further, it's reported that at least 27 illegal immigrants on the terror watchlist were granted bond by immigration judges. Furthermore, four individuals on the watchlist were granted asylum, raising further questions about the vetting processes.

An Afghan migrant named Mohammad Kharwin, who was listed on the terrorist watchlist, was released twice by the administration. He was first released by Customs and Border Patrol in March 2023, rearrested in February 2024, and then released yet again a month later by ICE due to an apparent lack of communication concerning his threat status.

Kharwin was rearrested only after media reports brought attention to his case. He currently remains in ICE custody.

Incidents Highlighting Security Failures

Other incidents revealed serious gaps in the system. One such case involved an illegal immigrant on the terror watchlist who was permitted to board a commercial flight within the U.S. and went missing for two weeks.

A DHS Office of the Inspector General report from June 2023 detailed an episode where a migrant on the terror watchlist was identified during pre-flight screening.

This individual wasn't apprehended until two weeks later, underscoring lingering security flaws.

The House Judiciary Committee's report paints a concerning picture of national security. Quotes from the committee were stark, stating that national security officials are warning about potential terrorist threats while administration efforts appear insufficient.

Criticism Of The Administration’s Immigration Policies

The report criticized the administration's border and immigration policies, stating, "while national security officials alert Americans about potential terrorist threats, administration officials continue to downplay the national security nightmare created by the border crisis."

The narrative emphasizes how policymakers must take urgent action to secure the border and halt the flow of potentially dangerous illegal aliens. "The administration continues to prioritize illegal aliens -- including hundreds on the terrorist watchlist and many more from terrorist-sympathizing countries -- over the safety and security of the American people," the report continued.

The data does not include the unaccounted numbers of potential terrorists who evaded the Border Patrol. These "gotaways" are estimated to number nearly 2 million since the administration began.

The House Judiciary Committee firmly stated that these ongoing issues present a significant threat. "American communities already feel the disastrous effects of the administration’s immigration policies, and the worst could still be yet to come," the panel added.