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Justin Timberlake Arrested for DWI After Refusing Breathalyzer

 June 19, 2024
Justin Timberlake was arrested in the Hamptons this week for driving while intoxicated (DWI) after failing to stop at a stop sign and stay within his lane on June 18.

The well-known pop star refused a breathalyzer test at the scene, potentially complicating his legal journey, as Fox News reports.

The incident occurred in the early hours on Madison Street, when Timberlake was noticed by law enforcement neglecting stop signs and weaving out of his lane.

After he was pulled over, officers reported that Timberlake's eyes were bloodshot and glossy, and he exhibited a strong odor of alcohol. Additional signs of impairment were noted, including his difficulty in dividing attention, slowed speech, and unsteady footing.

Timberlake admitted to having one martini and claimed he was following friends home. Despite this admission, he performed poorly on all standardized field sobriety tests administered by the arresting officer.

Refusal Of Breath Test Could Complicate Legal Proceedings

Following his arrest, Timberlake was transported to a nearby police station in East Hampton. There, he refused a breathalyzer test, which is noteworthy under implied consent laws.

Legal experts emphasize that refusing such a test can trigger an automatic suspension of the driver’s license. Criminal defense lawyers are divided on this issue, with some arguing it preserves the suspect’s constitutional rights while others see it as providing grounds for suspicion.

Tray Gober, a Texas trial attorney, highlighted that refusing a breathalyzer is often relied upon to avoid providing concrete evidence of intoxication. "Refusal can be introduced in court as evidence of guilt," explained Gober, illustrating the potential for varied implications based on jurisdiction and judicial discretion.

Gober also pointed out the risks involved in such a decision, including statutory penalties and potential negative inferences by a jury or judge.

Expert Opinions on Breathalyzer Refusals

Michael Huff, a celebrity criminal defense lawyer, defended Timberlake's decision. "Justin did the right thing in order to preserve his legal defense," he noted. Huff advised against taking the breathalyzer or field sobriety tests since they provide evidence that investigators might not otherwise have.

Huff expanded, "When detained for suspicion of DUI, submitting to a breath test or field sobriety tests arms the investigator with evidence." He suggested instead that the investigator might seek a warrant for a blood test to determine blood alcohol content (BAC).

Timberlake was arraigned later that day on charges of DWI, failure to keep right, and failure to stop at a stop sign. The arraignment took place in Sag Harbor, with his occupation listed as "professional" and "self-employed" in the court records.

Upcoming Court Hearing and Legal Strategies

Timberlake's first court hearing is scheduled for July 26 and will be conducted virtually. His refusal to take a breathalyzer will be a significant factor during the proceedings. According to Gober, "The refusal might benefit Timberlake by not providing concrete evidence of intoxication," but it also raises questions about his awareness of potential intoxication at the time of arrest.

A spokesperson for District Attorney's office has stated there are no further comments on this case at this time. Meanwhile, Timberlake’s lawyer, Ed Burke, has also refrained from commenting.

Huff remains steadfast in his support for Timberlake's decision regarding the breath test, noting the space it allows for a comprehensive legal defense strategy. He also suggested that Timberlake's constitutional rights to due process are safeguarded through his refusal.

Huff added, "It is not certain he was driving while intoxicated just because he was pulled over." This insinuates Timberlake could potentially argue other factors might have influenced the signs of impairment reported by officers.

While his license may be temporarily suspended, Huff asserts it would be reinstated if the charges are either dropped or reduced.


Timberlake's case highlights the complex decision of refusing a breath test during a DWI arrest.

His lawyer's strategy appears oriented toward safeguarding his constitutional rights and ensuring a robust defense.

Timberlake’s upcoming court hearing will undoubtedly be a critical juncture in addressing the charges against him.