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Hunter Biden Faces DC Law License Suspension in Wake of Criminal Conviction

 June 20, 2024

Hunter Biden is expected to have his license to practice law in Washington, D.C., suspended due to his recent felony convictions.

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel in D.C. has requested Hunter Biden's immediate suspension from the bar due to the guilty verdict in his federal gun case, as Fox News reports.

Request For Immediate Suspension

This week, Hunter Biden is poised to lose his ability to practice law in the nation's capital. The Office of Disciplinary Counsel has moved to take disciplinary action after his felony convictions.

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel formally issued a letter to the D.C. Court of Appeals. The letter sought Hunter Biden's immediate suspension from practicing law in Washington, D.C. In its request, the Disciplinary Counsel mentioned that the suspension should be in effect while the matter is being resolved.

Bar Policy On Felony Convictions

The D.C. bar's stance is clear regarding felony convictions. According to their policies, any felony is classified as a "serious crime."

Consequently, bar policy mandates an automatic suspension of the law license of any individual convicted of a felony, regardless of whether an appeal is pending. Despite this strict policy, the court does have discretionary power. Specifically, it can waive the suspension if it determines that doing so serves the interests of justice.

Details Of Felony Convictions

Hunter Biden was found guilty on three felony gun charges in a trial held in Delaware on June 11. The specific charges included making a false statement in the purchase of a gun.

Additionally, he was found guilty of making a false statement about information required to be kept by a federally licensed gun dealer and possession of a gun by an individual who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.

The prosecution argued that Hunter Biden falsely answered "No" on ATF Form 4473 in 2018, denying that he was an unlawful user of or addicted to controlled substances. He purchased the firearm from a Wilmington store.

Hunter Biden’s Defense and Continued Legal Actions

Hunter Biden has a well-documented history of drug abuse, which he has discussed in his 2021 memoir Beautiful Things.

House Republicans have referred Hunter Biden, as well as James Biden, for criminal prosecution. This move comes within the context of an impeachment inquiry.

In response to the convictions, Hunter Biden’s legal team has been active. They initially filed a motion for a new trial on Monday, arguing that the court lacked jurisdiction.

Court Jurisdiction Challenges

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden's attorney, asserted that the Third Circuit appeals court had not issued its mandate concerning the orders that dismissed either appeal.

"Thus, when this Court empaneled the jury on June 3, 2024, and proceeded to trial, it was without jurisdiction to do so," wrote Lowell in the court documents.

The motion for a new trial was, however, quickly withdrawn. Reuters reported that the document was retracted from a court document website soon after it was filed.

Implications Of The License Suspension

The potential suspension of his law license carries significant implications for Hunter Biden. Such disciplinary actions emphasize the serious nature of his legal troubles.

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel appears firm in its stance that Biden should be suspended from practicing law pending the full resolution of his case.

While the court has some discretion, it remains unclear if Hunter Biden will avoid the immediate suspension of his law license.


In summary, Hunter Biden is on the brink of losing his license to practice law in Washington, D.C., following his felony convictions. The Office of Disciplinary Counsel has moved to have him suspended immediately pending case resolution.

This action stems from the D.C. bar's policy that mandates automatic suspension for felons, though the court can exercise discretion. Hunter Biden was convicted on three felony gun charges and his legal team’s efforts to challenge the court's jurisdiction have seen mixed results.