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Joe Biden Suffered Medical Emergency on Air Force One, Laura Loomer Claims

 July 7, 2024

Rumors of a medical emergency involving President Joe Biden aboard Air Force One stirred controversy on Friday night, with various sources disputing the claims.

Conservative media personality Laura Loomer initially circulated claims on social media suggesting that President Biden had encountered a "medical emergency" while en route to Delaware, as the Hindustan Times noted.

Loomer's post, which quickly captured public attention, included a screenshot purportedly taken from an email, casting doubts on Biden's whereabouts after a campaign event.

The allegations were magnified when Elon Musk commented on Loomer's X post, leading to widespread sharing across platforms. However, the White House was quick to address these claims, labeling them as "100% false."

White House Responds to Viral Claims

As the narrative gained traction online, official sources stepped in to clarify the situation. The White House firmly denied any medical incident involving President Biden, asserting the rumors were completely unfounded.

Simultaneously, Forbes reported that President Biden had landed safely in Delaware following his participation at a campaign event in Madison, Wisconsin.

This report was corroborated by footage showing the president disembarking from Air Force One, appearing to be in good health.

Colin Rugg, referencing a video from Forbes, highlighted Biden's arrival and his normal demeanor as he stepped off the plane, further attempting to debunk the rumors of any medical distress.

Speculations of Biden's Health Sparked by Social Media

Loomer's post questioned why reporters scheduled to accompany Biden were suddenly informed they could not proceed with their travel plans.

Her speculation about the president's health and the abrupt travel changes for journalists led to increased scrutiny and speculation online.

The White House reiterated what it said was the falsehood of the claims, emphasizing there was no emergency or unusual occurrence during Biden's flight. This statement aimed to quell the ongoing rumors and restore clarity regarding the President's health status.

Leading Report, a prominent news source on social media platform X, also supported the dismissal of these claims, stating that reports of Biden's medical emergency appeared to be false based on his observed arrival in Delaware.

Media Outlets Work to Refute Claims

The New York Times and the Washington Post previously reported that Biden had been checked by a doctor following his first debate with Donald Trump, who attributed his shaky performance to a cold he had developed. This instance was unrelated to the current rumors but highlighted the media's attention to Biden's health in various contexts.

Despite the viral nature of Loomer's claims, the combined efforts of multiple news outlets and the White House's statements provided what they believed to be a comprehensive rebuttal.

These sources maintained that the president was in normal health and that the rumors were baseless.

As a result, the narrative that had built around a supposed medical crisis on Air Force One was largely disputed, reflecting the challenges and rapid spread of information on social media platforms.

Conclusion: Unpacking the False Medical Emergency Rumor

To summarize, Laura Loomer's allegations that President Joe Biden suffered a medical emergency on Air Force One were swiftly attacked by a number of media outlets.

The White House and a number of other sources, including Forbes and Leading Report, declared that Biden arrived safely in Delaware and was in good health, but whether any additional insight into the scenario alleged by Loomer emerges in the coming days is something that remains to be seen.