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Speaker Johnson Questions Secret Service Director’s Judgment After RNC Appearance

 July 20, 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) criticized Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle for her attendance at the Republican National Convention and urged her to step down following a security breach at last weekend's Trump rally.

Rep. Johnson is commissioning a bipartisan task force to investigate the incident involving an attempt on Trump's life in Butler, Pennsylvania, with Cheatle's conduct under particular scrutiny, as Fox News reports.

Criticism of the Secret Service Director’s Actions

Johnson expressed his concerns regarding Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle's decision to appear at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last Wednesday night. This came shortly after the serious security lapse during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The rally incident, occurring last weekend, involved a 20-year-old gunman who managed to fire shots from a roof just outside the event's perimeter. This happened despite the gunman's presence being noted beforehand by local law enforcement and civilians.

House GOP leaders, led by Johnson, are demanding accountability for the security mishap. They are particularly concerned about the potential threat it posed to former President Trump, who was attending the rally.

High-Ranking Officials Demand Resignation

Johnson's call for Cheatle’s resignation marks the highest-level demand for her to step down since the rally shooting incident. The speaker's office is also pushing for a comprehensive investigation into the incident and appointing a bipartisan task force with subpoena power to uncover the details of the security oversights.

On Wednesday, a call was held with Cheatle and FBI Director Christopher Wray. Lawmakers sought clarity on the incident, but Johnson reported that the call, which lasted approximately 45 minutes, offered very little in terms of useful information.

“I’m not sure what she was doing here. Why would she walk around when she's under so much scrutiny?” Johnson commented to Fox News Digital regarding Cheatle's RNC appearance.

Security Measures Questioned Amid Diversity Focus

In his criticism, Johnson questioned Cheatle's focus since taking over the Secret Service. He suggested that the prioritization of diversity efforts might have detracted from the agency's primary mission of ensuring safety and security.

“We've all seen and heard the accounts of her suggesting that, you know, that the number one priority was having more diversity in the Secret Service and more female officers, etc. That is not the number one priority. The number one priority is the safety of the persons that they are supposed to be protecting,” Johnson stated.

Johnson emphasized that Cheatle’s apparent lack of understanding of her primary responsibilities makes her unsuitable for her position, especially during such critical times.

Lawmakers Seek Comprehensive Answers

The rally shooting highlighted significant gaps in security protocols, as the gunman was able to fire shots even after being spotted, raising major concerns about the Secret Service's readiness and response capabilities.

Johnson underscored the importance of swift and thorough answers to prevent the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories regarding the incident. He stressed that accountability should start at the top, indicating that leadership changes might be necessary to restore confidence in the Secret Service.

“Her excuses for this just make no sense,” Johnson pointed out. “That’s the problem. They're not providing answers quickly enough and the answers they do provide are not satisfactory.”

Efforts for a Classified Briefing

In response to the limited information gathered from Wednesday’s call, Johnson's office is working to arrange a classified briefing on the shooting for the upcoming week. This briefing aims to delve deeper into the procedural failings and gather more substantive information regarding the incident.

Johnson, representing the sentiment of many House GOP leaders, is advocating for immediate and decisive actions to address the lapses in security, emphasizing the broader implications for national safety if such breaches are not comprehensively addressed.

Conclusion: Summary of Events

Last weekend, a serious security breach at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania has raised major concerns about the effectiveness of the Secret Service.

Speaker Mike Johnson has since called for the resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle following her attendance at the Republican National Convention, questioning her decision-making and priorities.

A bipartisan task force has been set up to investigate the incident, with Johnson emphasizing the need for swift and detailed answers to understand the failings and ensure such breaches are not repeated.