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Kamala Harris Speaks Out on Anti-Israel Protests Amid Pressure from JD Vance

 July 26, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris faced intense backlash for her initial silence on recent pro-Palestinian protests at Union Station in Washington, D.C.

Following significant political pressure from the likes of J.D. Vance, Harris was essentially forced out to condemn the anti-Israel vandalism in the nation's capital a day after the events occurred, as Breitbart reports.

On Wednesday, protestors gathered at Union Station, displaying pro-Hamas sentiments and anti-Israel graffiti. Notable among the graffiti were messages like “F**k Israel” on the Freedom Bell and “Hamas is Comin” on Columbus Fountain, which sparked immediate controversy.

Initial Response and Political Repercussions

Despite the unfolding events, Harris did not immediately address the incidents. Her silence lasted until midday Thursday, drawing criticism from various quarters, including Vance, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, who was quick to express his disapproval on social media platforms.

At 10:54 a.m. on Thursday, Vance criticized Harris for her lack of response, highlighting the severity of the situation with a post on X that condemned the protestors for their actions, including the desecration of the American flag.

Shortly after Vance's public rebuke, at 11:09 a.m., Harris's team issued a statement condemning the vandalism and the rhetoric of the protestors, describing it as “despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric.”

Media and Political Pressure Mounts

The delay in Harris’s response was noted by media figures as well, with Gabby Deutch from Jewish Insider pointing out the lack of communication from Harris's campaign when approached for a comment earlier that day.

The pressure for Harris to denounce the vandalism was not just from political opponents.

Criticism came from within her own party as well, reflecting broader discontent with the Biden-Harris administration's handling of foreign affairs, particularly the Israel-Hamas conflict.

This discontent had already manifested in significant political shifts, with President Joe Biden stepping down as the presumptive nominee amid opposition from some within his party over, among other things, his stance on Israel.

Rising Political Movements and Their Impact

The Uncommitted National Movement, gaining momentum from over 100,000 votes in the Democrat primary, seized on the incidents to push for a change in U.S. foreign policy regarding Israel.

Following Biden’s withdrawal, this group publicly urged Harris to advocate for halting weapons to Israel, intensifying the political debate around U.S. involvement in the Middle East.

The movement argued that Biden’s seemingly pro-Israel stance had damaged his electability, a point echoed by their statement which called for Harris to take a “clear stance against weapons for Israel’s war and occupation against Palestinians.”

Vice President’s Condemnation and Its Timing

Harris, in her statement, emphasized the unpatriotic nature of the protestors' actions and their dangerous rhetoric, attempting to distance her campaign from the negativity surrounding the events.

Her condemnation, however, came after a wave of bipartisan criticism, highlighting the complexities of domestic political pressures intertwined with foreign policy issues.

The timing of her response, closely following Vance’s criticism, suggests the influence of political dynamics on her decision-making process.

In conclusion, the incident at Union Station not only highlighted the tensions within U.S. politics regarding Israel but also underscored the volatile nature of public sentiment and political leadership.

The vice president's delayed response, followed by a rapid condemnation after political pressure, reflects the challenging balance leaders face in such divisive times.