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MN Bar Owners Say Governor Walz's Pandemic Policies Devastated Small Businesses

 August 14, 2024

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who is currently a vice-presidential hopeful, is under fire for his handling of COVID-19 lockdowns and the 2020 George Floyd riots.

Walz's COVID-19 restrictions and perceived lack of action during the 2020 unrest have sparked widespread criticism among small business owners who say that their enterprises suffered unduly due to his conduct, as Fox Business reports.

In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Walz implemented strict lockdown measures across Minnesota. These measures, aimed at curbing the spread of the virus, had a profound effect on small businesses, many of which struggled to stay afloat under the weight of the restrictions.

Former Bar Owner Declares Bankruptcy Amid Lockdowns

Lisa Zarza, a former bar owner in Minnesota, was among those who felt the brunt of Walz's policies. After defying the governor's COVID-19 orders, Zarza faced severe consequences, including the loss of her food service license.

"They took my food service license, essentially, and they suspended my food license, and then they revoked my right to have a food license in the state," Zarza said, recounting her experience.

Zarza's troubles did not end there. The suspension and eventual revocation of her food license led to the closure of two of her restaurants. She was also fined over $300,000, a financial blow that ultimately forced her to declare bankruptcy.

Zarza, who now runs a bar in Wisconsin, believes that Walz's policies are a threat to small businesses. She has been vocal about her dissatisfaction with the governor, accusing him of favoring large corporations over small businesses during the pandemic.

Accusations of Favoritism Towards Large Corporations

One of the key points of contention for Zarza was Walz's decision to allow large retailers like Target and Walmart to remain open just before Black Friday in November 2020, while small businesses, including bars and restaurants, were forced to close.

"He was looking out for the big people. He wasn't looking out for the small businesses of Minnesota," Zarza stated, reflecting the sentiment shared by many small business owners.

Zarza's criticisms of Walz extend beyond his handling of the pandemic. She has also questioned his commitment to supporting small businesses, arguing that his actions do not align with his rhetoric. "He talks about being so small-minded for small businesses. That's not who this man is," she added.

Former Bar Owner Criticizes Response to 2020 Riots

Bill Hupp, another former bar owner, has also spoken out against Walz, particularly in relation to his response to the 2020 Minnesota riots. Hupp's business was caught in the crossfire of the riots, which erupted in the wake of George Floyd's death. His bar was surrounded and eventually torched by over 300 rioters, who also attacked him and his son with frozen water bottles.

Hupp accused Walz and other local leaders of abandoning the community during the riots. "We were left helpless without our police, our safety structure, the firefighters and the folks that would actually be out there to help control that kind of chaos," Hupp said, describing the harrowing experience.

Hupp did not mince words when discussing the state of leadership during the riots. "It's like a Third World country. It's absolutely terrible. The leadership is completely absent," he lamented, expressing his deep dissatisfaction with the current business climate in Minnesota.

Concerns About Leadership During Critical Times

Hupp's criticisms of Walz were not limited to the riots. He also questioned the governor's leadership during critical times, suggesting that Walz was absent when the state needed him the most. "Walz is supposed to be a so-called veteran. That's not a veteran. Anyone that's absent without leave there when all the worst times that we needed somebody to help out, he was gone [and] the mayor was gone. Nobody to call," Hupp said, underscoring his frustration.

The dissatisfaction with Walz's leadership during these events reflects a broader discontent among small business owners in Minnesota, many of whom feel abandoned by the state government. The impact of these policies has left a lasting mark on their businesses and livelihoods.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Controversial Policies

The fallout from Gov. Tim Walz's policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 Minnesota riots continues to resonate with former small business owners like Lisa Zarza and Bill Hupp. Both individuals have publicly criticized Walz for his perceived favoritism towards large corporations, his strict lockdown measures, and his response to the riots, which they believe contributed to the destruction of their businesses.

Zarza, who now runs a bar in Wisconsin, remains vocal about the devastating impact of Walz's actions on small businesses. Hupp, whose business was destroyed during the riots, has expressed deep dissatisfaction with the current leadership in Minnesota, likening the state's business climate to that of a Third World country.

As Walz continues his political career with aspirations of higher office, the criticisms from these former business owners serve as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by small businesses during his tenure as governor.