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Prince Harry's Quasi-Royal Tour Ends Amid Rumored Private Struggles

 August 19, 2024

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently completed a quasi-royal tour of Colombia, engaging in cultural exchanges and notable events.

While the couple’s activities appeared joyful and lighthearted, reports have surfaced indicating Prince Harry’s private struggles with frustration and a sense of isolation and his potential desire to leave his current life in America, as the Daily Mail reports.

Despite the tour’s success, sources reveal that Prince Harry secretly misses his former life in Britain and is grappling with unresolved anger.

Meghan's Speech Highlights Tour Finale

The tour, which featured several engagements across Colombia, concluded with Meghan Markle’s highly anticipated speech in Cali.

Speaking in Spanish, she addressed the topic of “Afro women and power,” drawing attention to Colombia's first Black Vice President, Francia Marquez, whom she affectionately referred to as "mi amiga." This moment was a highlight of their trip, showcasing Meghan’s efforts to connect with local communities.

However, behind the scenes, reports suggest that Prince Harry’s feelings were not as buoyant as they appeared. Despite the tour’s success, a friend disclosed to the Times that Harry is secretly “an angry boy” and that his life in America has not turned out as he had hoped. The friend noted that Harry is struggling with his separation from Britain, expressing a deep longing for his past life.

Private Struggles Cloud the Tour's Success

Harry’s sense of frustration is reportedly linked to his longing for the camaraderie and simplicity of his previous life in Britain. According to a source who has known Harry since his teenage years, he misses the social outings, pub nights, and countryside adventures that once defined his social life. This nostalgic longing has reportedly left Harry feeling isolated in his new environment in the United States.

The tour, although publicly successful, may have deepened Harry's sense of alienation. His life in America, marked by increased media scrutiny and fewer personal connections, contrasts starkly with the admiration his brother, Prince William, and sister-in-law, Kate, receive in Britain. Harry's friend suggested that he “desperately” wants to be “admired more” and that the lack of such recognition in his current life is a source of ongoing frustration.

Rift Between Brothers Widens

Adding to Prince Harry’s struggles is the reported rift between him and his brother, Prince William. The once-close brothers are now estranged, with reports indicating that William does not want Harry to attend his future coronation. This estrangement, described as “dreadfully sad” by a close friend, further contributes to Harry’s feelings of isolation.

This growing rift is not the only familial tension. King Charles has also been dealing with family disputes, notably with Prince Andrew over his residence at the Royal Lodge in Windsor. The King’s decision to cut funding for Andrew’s security team has been described as a “radical move” and has reportedly left Andrew “very, very unhappy.”

Contradictions and Criticisms Surround the Tour

Despite the apparent success of the tour, royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams pointed out several contradictions in the Sussexes’ public statements.

Fitzwilliams highlighted the irony in their decision to visit Colombia, a country notorious for its high crime rates, while citing security concerns as a reason for avoiding visits to Britain. He also noted that Meghan’s speech in Cali, while well-received by her hosts, was “extremely selective” in its messaging, particularly given the public rift with the royal family.

However, from the Sussexes' perspective, the tour was a success. Fitzwilliams remarked that it significantly raised their profile, which was a pivotal objective for the couple. The tour included a visit to a music school in Cartagena, where Harry and Meghan tried their hand at traditional African drumming, recreating a similar moment from William and Kate’s Caribbean tour.

Symbolic Importance of the Visit

The visit to Colombia was not only about public appearances; it held symbolic value as well. Josefa Hernandez, the master of ceremonies, emphasized the importance of the visit, noting its deep symbolic significance for the local communities. Meghan’s attempt to speak Spanish, despite her self-admitted imperfection, was particularly appreciated, reflecting her efforts to connect with the people of Colombia.

Yet, despite these public successes, the private struggles of Prince Harry cast a shadow over the tour. The reports of his longing for his past life, the widening rift with his brother, and the ongoing tensions within the royal family suggest that the Duke of Sussex’s American dream may not have unfolded as he had envisioned.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s quasi-royal tour of Colombia showcased their public personas, but behind the scenes, Harry’s private struggles were increasingly apparent.

Despite their efforts to connect with local communities and raise their profile, reports indicate that Harry continues to grapple with frustration, isolation, and a deep longing for his former life in Britain.

The growing rift with Prince William and unresolved family tensions further complicate his situation, casting a shadow over the tour’s outward success.