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Obama's Half-Brother Endorses Trump, Takes Aim at Biden-Harris Policies

 September 10, 2024

In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Malik Obama voiced his strong support for former President Donald Trump and expressed criticism towards the Democratic Party.

A half-brother to former President Barack Obama, Malik Obama has reaffirmed his endorsement of Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election, criticizing the Democratic Party's approach and policies on a range of issues, as Fox News reports.

Malik Obama has been a vocal supporter of Trump since 2016. He says he admires Trump's leadership qualities and direct style, which he believes are beneficial for the United States.

Their relationship dates back to familial ties, as they share a father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Despite being the best man at Barack Obama's wedding in 1992, Malik's relationship with his brother has since strained.

During the interview, Malik criticized the Democratic Party for what he perceives as their hypocrisy, particularly in their treatment of Trump and the management of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Malik Obama Discusses Shift from Democrat to Republican

Malik's disillusionment with the Democrats led him to change his political allegiance. He highlighted the judicial attempts to exclude Trump from the ballot as a significant factor in his decision.

He also disapproved of President Joe Biden's performance, calling into question his capabilities and criticizing the transition to Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he deemed inadequate for the role.

Malik equated the leadership styles of Harris and his brother Barack as "wishy-washy," opposing their stances on issues like abortion and immigration.

Personal Experience and Views on Immigration

Malik shared his personal experiences with U.S. immigration law, contrasting his lengthy legal process with what he views as current lenient policies towards illegal immigrants.

He expressed frustration over the ease with which illegal immigrants seem to navigate the system compared to his own lawful experience.

This disparity has significantly shaped his political views and stance on immigration policies.

Additionally, Malik conveyed his disappointment with his brother Barack, who he feels did little to support their family, contrasting this with Trump's straightforward approach to politics.

Expectations for the 2024 Presidential Election

Based on his observations of the political landscape and Harris's capabilities, Malik is convinced that Trump will win the 2024 election by a wide margin. He cited Harris's perceived inability to handle media interactions and her public demeanor as indicators of her unsuitability for presidency.

"They've been treating Mr. President Trump horribly...using the judiciary to try to lock him up and keep him off the ballot, and I've not seen anything like that in my life. So the way they're treating a former president of the United States of America is despicable to me," Malik stated in the interview.

He further commented on the Democratic Party's stance on abortion, describing it as "abominable" and morally reprehensible from his perspective.

Malik concluded his interview with a confident message to Trump: "Yeah, we're going to win," reflecting his belief in Trump's impending success in the upcoming election.

His final prediction was, "I just say President Trump, you're going to win in November 2024. You're going to win. And I think you're going to win by a landslide because all the hype that's going on with Kamala and she can't even interview, and I'm waiting for tomorrow, and everybody's going to see that she can't interview. All she does is laugh and move," adding to his critique of the current administration.