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Delaware’s November Governor's Race Set As Primaries Conclude

 September 11, 2024

Delaware's political landscape is gearing up for a competitive race this November, as voters are set to determine their next governor following the recent primary elections.

New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer emerged victorious in the Democratic primary, while Delaware House Minority Leader Mike Ramone secured the Republican nomination, in a race that could see a GOP victory in President Joe Biden's home state, as Fox News reports.

On Tuesday, Matt Meyer clinched the Democratic primary, overcoming contenders Delaware Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long and Collin O’Mara, the National Wildlife Federation CEO. Meyer's victory is particularly noteworthy as he has no prior political experience in Dover, Delaware's state capital.

Meanwhile, on the Republican side, Mike Ramone succeeded in winning the primary, defeating a former New York City police officer and another GOP candidate. Ramone presents himself as a moderate in a state where registered Democrats vastly outnumber Republicans.

Democratic Incumbency and Meyer's Campaign

Gov.John Carney, who has reached his two-term limit, cannot run for re-election. He had endorsed Bethany Hall-Long as his successor. However, allegations of campaign finance impropriety cast a shadow over her campaign, which may have influenced the primary's outcome.

Despite Carney's endorsement, Meyer managed to capture a significant portion of the Democratic vote. His lack of experience in Dover did not deter voters, possibly swayed by his leadership as New Castle County Executive.

Both of Delaware’s senators and its House representative are Democrats, highlighting the state's strong Democratic leaning. This political composition sets a challenging backdrop for the impending general election.

Mike Ramone's Path to Republican Nomination

Ramone’s primary victory has stirred optimism within the Republican camp. He aims to offer Delaware a choice it hasn’t had for 32 years -- a governorship not controlled by the Democratic Party.

Ramone emphasizes balance and discussion as critical components of his campaign. "I’m not deep blue, and I’m not scarlet red," he said, underscoring his moderate stance.

He believes that a bipartisan approach to governance can foster more thorough vetting and prevent unintended consequences. "Balance brings discussion, and discussion brings vetting and vetting avoids unintended consequences," Ramone pointed out.

Delaware's Political History and Current Dynamics

The state has not seen a Republican governor since January 1993, a testament to its entrenched Democratic stronghold. This historical context renders Ramone's candidacy particularly significant.

Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a substantial margin, which presents a formidable challenge for any GOP contender. However, Ramone's moderate positioning aims to appeal to a broader electorate, including independents and centrist Democrats.

Delaware's current political dynamics are shaped by the dominance of the Democratic Party. This dominance includes not just the governorship but also the state’s federal legislative representation.

The Road Ahead for Meyer and Ramone

As the November elections approach, both Meyer and Ramone will ramp up their campaigns to capture the hearts and minds of Delaware voters. Meyer's victory in a crowded Democratic primary field suggests he has a strong base of support.

Ramone, on the other hand, will need to bridge partisan divides and convince a predominantly Democratic electorate of his moderate credentials and the benefits of a bipartisan approach.

The upcoming gubernatorial race promises to be a test of whether Delaware's political landscape will embrace continuity with Meyer or shift towards Ramone's call for balance and change.


Delaware is set for a significant gubernatorial contest in November. Matt Meyer, having won the Democratic primary, faces Mike Ramone, the Republican nominee, in a state with a longstanding Democratic tradition.

Current Gov. John Carney has reached his term limit and endorsed Bethany Hall-Long, but allegations affected her campaign’s success. Ramone's campaign highlights his moderate stance, aiming to challenge the state's Democratic dominance. Both candidates now prepare for a rigorous campaign leading up to the November election, with the political future of Delaware hanging in the balance.