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Why Experts Say Tim Walz’s Tall Tales Raise Red Flags

 September 15, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz, the recent Democratic Party pick for vice president, is facing criticism for a series of alleged fabrications about his personal history, leading to a significant amount of public scrutiny.

Now, mental health professionals are weighing in on the possible reasons behind Walz's apparent exaggerations about his past, though stopping short of offering a formal diagnosis, as the Daily Mail reports.

Among the more damaging claims is Walz's portrayal of his military service, particularly his involvement in Operation Enduring Freedom. He claimed to have carried weapons “in war,” but records show he was stationed in Italy for security missions during 2003, rather than in a combat zone.

Though Walz retired in 2005, his departure occurred just two months before his National Guard unit was deployed to Iraq, a decision for which he has faced ongoing criticism. Some of his peers, like J.D. Vance, have pointed out that Walz allowed his unit to go without him. The controversy surrounding his military service continues to raise questions about his authenticity and commitment.

Questions About Family and Personal Life

The fabrications aren’t limited to Walz’s military history. The Democratic Party VP candidate has also made questionable claims about his family life. He once stated that he and his wife used IVF (in vitro fertilization) to conceive their children, but it was later revealed that they had undergone IUI (intrauterine insemination) instead. Though both methods are used for fertility treatment, the distinction between them has caused frustration among some, especially those with similar experiences.

This isn’t the first time Walz’s personal narratives have been questioned. During his 2006 congressional campaign, Walz denied ever having been arrested for DUI, even though records show a 1995 arrest for driving at over 95 mph while intoxicated. He attempted to explain away the incident by claiming he misunderstood the police due to hearing loss from his military service.

Fabrications Extend to Awards, Coaching History

Walz’s misrepresentation of his achievements continues beyond his personal and family life. He once claimed to have been named the “Outstanding Young Nebraskan” by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, but in reality, the award came from the Nebraska Junior Chamber of Commerce. The discrepancy is subtle but speaks to a pattern of embellishment that has troubled some voters and analysts alike.

His coaching history has also come under fire. Although he frequently speaks of his time as a football coach and touts his role in helping Alliance High School win a state championship in 1999, social media commentators were quick to point out that Walz wasn’t the head coach, but a member of the coaching staff. He resigned after his DUI arrest, though some allege that his resignation may not have been voluntary.

Public Reaction and Perception of Dishonesty

Political experts and psychologists are now weighing in on what some perceive as a troubling pattern of dishonesty. Linda Diaz-Murphy, a political analyst, noted, “These are lies and what’s more concerning is Walz has no remorse or sense of responsibility.” Others, like Craig Polsfuss, argue that Walz’s actions might stem from both a need to fit in and an inexperience on the national stage. “It could be both and I suspect it is,” Polsfuss stated.

Veterans and members of the military community, such as Adam Luke, have expressed deep frustration over Walz’s falsehoods regarding his military service. Luke remarked, “There’s a lot of veterans that I serve every week who watch their friends die, they have lost limbs, and you no longer get to call yourself a membership of that club when you didn’t have that experience.”

Comparison to Political Lies of the Past

Some observers have compared Walz’s fabrications to those allegedly made by former President Donald Trump, suggesting that mistruths are becoming more commonplace in American politics. According to Ryan Waite, “Since former President Trump makes outlandish statements and promises, other politicians feel it is only fair to fight fire with fire and fudge the truth a bit to even the scales.”

However, others, like Drew Westen, believe that voters may be more forgiving of such missteps in this election cycle. He noted that a DUI or other lies would have been more damaging in the past but that the stakes of the upcoming election have shifted public perception. “I think people are tuning out a lot of stuff about their own side because they are hell-bent on voting for it, and they don’t want to know the blemishes.”

Psychologists Debate the Nature of Walz’s Lies

The psychological aspect of Walz’s behavior has become a topic of discussion among experts. Jon Krosnick, a political psychologist, suggested that Walz’s fabrications might not even serve a strategic purpose. “That example of misstating just a couple words, ‘in war,’ I don’t know what he thought he was accomplishing by that.” Krosnick emphasized that such embellishments don’t seem to offer significant political gains, raising questions about why Walz continues to stretch the truth.

Other experts, like Jordan Schachtel, have gone further, suggesting that Walz may have a compulsion to lie. “Tim Walz lies when there is no point in lying. He simply can’t help himself,” Schachtel remarked, adding that Walz might fit the mold of a compulsive liar.

The Consequences of Mistrust in Politics

The growing number of discrepancies in Walz’s public narratives has raised concerns about trustworthiness and the vetting process within campaigns. According to Ryan Waite, there may have been insufficient time for a thorough vetting of Walz before his selection as Kamala Harris’ vice-presidential pick. “Typically, at the upper levels of campaigns, there is a vetting process that helps to straighten all of this out ahead of time, but given the truncated timeline, they may not have had time to get all their ducks in a row,” Waite explained.

Despite the growing scrutiny, it remains unclear whether Walz’s fabrications will have a lasting impact on his political career. Some voters may overlook his exaggerations due to the broader political stakes at play in the upcoming election. Nevertheless, the scrutiny on Walz has brought to light the potential consequences of dishonesty in political narratives.


Gov. Tim Walz’s pattern of fabrications regarding his military service, personal life, and past achievements has sparked public debate about his honesty and integrity.

While some believe these falsehoods reflect a deeper compulsion to lie, others argue they stem from a desire to build rapport with voters. As the scrutiny grows, it remains to be seen whether Walz’s narrative will undermine his role as Kamala Harris’ vice-presidential pick.

The potential impact of these revelations on his career and public trust is yet to be determined, but experts warn that such dishonesty could prove damaging in the long run.