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Prosecutors Want 6 Years Imprisonment for Italian Deputy PM in Migrant Boat Cast

 September 16, 2024

Italian prosecutors are calling for a six-year prison sentence for Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, accusing him of kidnapping and failing to follow proper procedures when he blocked a migrant rescue ship in 2019.

The case centers on Salvini’s decision to prevent the Spanish "Open Arms" ship from disembarking 147 migrants in Italy, a move that has been criticized as politically motivated by his supporters, and prosecutors want to see him serve a substantial prison sentence, as Breitbart reports.

The charges stem from an incident in 2019 when Salvini, who was Italy's interior minister at the time, refused to allow the "Open Arms" ship, operated by a Spanish non-governmental organization (NGO), to dock and unload migrants rescued at sea.

Prosecutor Geri Ferrara, representing the case against Salvini, argued that his actions violated international and European Union laws, which require the rescue of migrants and their disembarkation in a safe harbor.

Prosecutor Emphasizes Legal Obligations

Ferrara asserted that Salvini's decision was a failure to uphold Italy’s administrative responsibilities, particularly those concerning European immigration rules. He emphasized that international law mandates the rescue and safe disembarkation of anyone at sea, regardless of their status.

"The rescue operation does not end with the mere intervention in a dangerous situation, but with the disembarkation phase,” Ferrara stated, adding that Italy had an obligation to intervene and respect European immigration regulations.

Salvini's defense attorney, Giulia Bongiorno, argued that the case is not about Salvini’s actions but rather a political attack on his policies. Bongiorno described the trial as politically charged and contradictory, stating that it puts a political ideology on trial rather than actual misconduct.

Political Repercussions and Global Support

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, a close ally of Salvini, condemned the prosecution, arguing that it sets a dangerous precedent. She described the case as an effort to criminalize a government official for protecting the country’s borders, a mandate given to Salvini by Italian voters.

"It is incredible that a Minister of the Italian Republic risks six years in prison for having done his job defending the borders of the nation," Meloni said, adding that it sends a concerning message for future immigration policies.

Salvini has received significant support from European populist leaders, including France’s Marine Le Pen and the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders. Le Pen described the trial as "extremely serious" and expressed solidarity with Salvini, while Wilders called the charges a “total disgrace,” adding that Salvini deserved a medal for his actions in protecting Italy’s borders.

Salvini’s Defense of His Actions

For his part, Salvini has defended his decision, stating that he was acting in accordance with his role as interior minister and fulfilling promises made to the Italian people. He argued that his actions were aimed at curbing illegal immigration and reducing migrant drownings, which had reportedly decreased during his tenure. Salvini expressed no regret for the incident, stating, “I would do everything again: the defense of the borders from illegal immigrants is not a crime.”

The Italian government and security officials have long maintained that NGO migrant ships like the "Open Arms" facilitate illegal migration and human smuggling. According to government reports, Salvini’s policies, which included blocking such ships, coincided with a significant reduction in migrant deaths in the Mediterranean.

Controversial Impact on Migration

After Salvini left office in 2019, Italy saw a sharp increase in illegal migration, reversing the trends that had been established during his time as interior minister. However, the coalition government of Salvini and Prime Minister Meloni, which took power more recently, has claimed to have cut illegal entries by over 60% this year through similar immigration control measures.

Critics of Salvini argue that his actions in 2019 jeopardized the lives of vulnerable individuals at sea and violated human rights conventions. Prosecutor Ferrara pointed out that the 'Open Arms' ship was carrying people rescued from dangerous situations, and even if they were to be prosecuted later, their immediate safety had to be prioritized. “The person at sea needs to be saved, and his classification is irrelevant,” Ferrara said, explaining the obligations under international maritime laws.

Political Motivations Alleged by Defense

Despite these arguments, Salvini’s supporters have stood by him, claiming that the trial is a form of political retribution for his tough stance on immigration. Bongiorno, Salvini’s attorney, reiterated that the charges are part of a broader political agenda aimed at undermining Salvini's populist policies. "There is no Salvini conduct in the dock, but a political line in the dock,” she said.

The case has sparked a heated debate in Italy and across Europe, with immigration continuing to be a contentious issue. Salvini’s supporters argue that prosecuting him for enforcing immigration laws sets a troubling precedent for elected officials tasked with securing national borders. On the other hand, critics warn that disregarding international law in the name of border security threatens to undermine human rights protections.

Conclusion: All Eyes on High-Stakes Trial

As the trial unfolds, the stakes are high not only for Salvini but also for Italy’s immigration policies moving forward. The outcome could have far-reaching implications, both legally and politically, as it tests the balance between national sovereignty and international obligations. With prosecutors seeking a six-year sentence, Salvini’s future remains uncertain, but his supporters continue to rally behind him, framing the trial as a politically motivated "witch hunt."

In conclusion, this trial has become a symbol of the broader battle over immigration policy in Europe, raising questions about the responsibilities of governments, the rights of migrants, and the political ramifications of enforcing border controls.