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Gretchen Whitmer Issues Statement in Wake of Video Controversy

 October 13, 2024

Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has found herself at the center of a heated debate following her participation in a video that has drawn the ire of the Catholic community.

Purportedly aimed at promoting the impact of the CHIPS Act on Michigan's economy, the video instead garnered attention due to its portrayal of a potentially offensive scene mimicking a religious ritual, and now Whitmer -- a well-known supporter of Kamala Harris -- has issued a statement in response, as the New York Post reports.

Many Catholics were upset by what they viewed as an inappropriate imitation of the Catholic Communion, leading to widespread backlash.

The footage featured Whitmer giving a Dorito to progressive influencer Liz Plank in what appeared to be a mock representation of the Holy Communion, an act many found disrespectful.

During the skit, Whitmer sported a hat supporting the Harris-Walz campaign. This sequence resembled a viral TikTok meme popular for its humorous content, in which individuals feed each other before dramatically staring at the camera.

Outcry from Michigan’s Catholic Community

Whitmer emphasized that the message of the video was to shed light on the CHIPS Act and its significance for job creation in Michigan. Enacted in 2022, the CHIPS Act, signed by President Biden, authorized nearly $280 billion in funding to boost domestic research, specifically within STEM fields.

The response from Michigan's Catholic community was swift and critical. The Michigan Catholic Conference, representing the roughly 18% of the state's Catholic population, voiced strong disapproval. They described the video as offensive for imitating aspects of their sacred practices.

Reactions from Religious Leaders

Paul A. Long, president and CEO of the Michigan Catholic Conference, provided a detailed critique. He noted that the skit extended beyond the viral trend that it was based on.

According to Long, Whitmer's actions specifically mimicked the postures and gestures associated with Catholic Communion -- a practice integral to Catholic faith due to its belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Long expressed that irrespective of the governor's intentions, the depiction had a disrespectful impact on Catholics.

Governor Whitmer’s Apology and Clarification

In response to the backlash, Whitmer issued a public apology. She underscored her long-standing dedication to respecting people's religious beliefs, stating: “Over 25 years in public service, I would never do something to denigrate someone’s faith.”

She further clarified her intentions, hoping to illustrate the economic benefits tied to the CHIPS Act rather than appearing to mock any religious practice.

Whitmer reiterated her support for religious freedoms and underscored the importance of dialogue, acknowledging conversations her team had with the Michigan Catholic Conference to address the concerns raised.

Sensitivity Around Vice President Harris

The incident arises at a critical juncture for the Democratic party, particularly as Vice President Harris, whom Whitmer actively supports for the 2024 presidential campaign, grapples with skepticism from Catholic voters. It adds another layer of complexity to Harris’ already challenging landscape in appealing to Catholic constituents.

In reconciliation efforts, Whitmer stated, “What was supposed to be a video about the importance of the CHIPS Act to Michigan jobs, has been construed as something it was never intended to be, and I apologize for that.” Her words aim to mitigate the situation and demonstrate her commitment to fostering mutual understanding.

Concluding the Controversial Exchange

The Michigan Catholic Conference expressed appreciation for the dialogue initiated by Whitmer’s office. Long commented on the ongoing dialogue, though he reiterated the offense taken by many in the community. The sentiment underscores the sensitivity required when dealing with religious topics, particularly by public officials in the public eye.

Despite the apology and clarifications, the incident highlights ongoing challenges faced by public figures when navigating issues intersecting politics and religion. As the discourse continues, it stresses the balance needed in messaging to respect religious sentiments while communicating broader legislative objectives.

In conclusion, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's supposed attempt to promote the CHIPS Act led to an outcry from Michigan's Catholic community. The video, perceived as mocking a sacred religious rite, prompted Whitmer's apology and a commitment to respect religious beliefs, showcasing the complexity of public discourse in sensitive areas.