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Off-duty NYPD officer attacked and beaten

 April 1, 2023

An off-duty New York police officer was beaten by a motorcycle driver after asking the man to slow down after the motorcycle rammed into the officer.

The officer, 52, was walking his dog in the Upper East Side of New York City on Tuesday evening when he was hit by the rider of a green motorcycle.

The incident

The scooter driver then proceeded to repeatedly punch the officer before fleeing the scene, according to the officer. He was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition.

"Screenshots from unreleased surveillance video show the male suspect, who is approximately 35 to 45 years of age, 5'8" tall, 200 pounds," Fox News reported.

"He was last seen wearing a gray hoodie, black pants, helmet and riding a green motorcycle," the report added.

The injuries

"The suspect, in his 40's, punched the off-duty officer in the face. The officer broke his ankle as he fell to the ground," ABC 7 New York reported.

"There have been no arrests so far. The investigation is ongoing," it added.

"The injured cop was taken to Weill Cornell Medical Center with a broken left ankle and a cut on his right ear and lip, police sources said," the New York Post added.

The growing problem

The attack is part of the growing concern about soaring crime in the Big Apple. However, some lawmakers in the city continue to push radical efforts, including the end of a city gang database used to track criminal activity.

"Three progressive Queens Councilmembers are co-sponsoring a bill that would permanently abolish the NYPD's Gang Database as violent crime surges in the Big Apple, including gang related incidents," Fox News reported.

"According to the Astoria Post, one of the sponsors, Tiffany Caban, said 'The gang database is nothing but a dragnet to surveil and criminalize Black and brown New Yorkers, especially youth,'" it added.

The city has now experienced another attack on a police officer, illustrating the growing concern for public safety for New Yorkers.

The latest crime also shows that not even off-duty officers are free from attacks as the most recent incident took place while he was simply walking his dog.