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Actor Wrongfully Convicted During Kamala Harris's Tenure as SF DA Declares Support for Trump

 August 19, 2024

Once erroneously convicted, a California man has now turned his political allegiance toward Donald Trump.

Jamal Trulove, exonerated after a wrongful murder conviction that was overseen by then-San Francisco D.A. Kamala Harris, has declared his opposition to her campaign for the White House, as Breitbart reports.

In what unfolded over a decade ago, Trulove found himself at the center of a controversial legal battle. Harris, then the district attorney of San Francisco, spearheaded the case that wrongfully imprisoned him. His conviction was intended for a 50-year term, a excessively punitive measure for a crime he never committed.

It was not until 2015 that Trulove would be acquitted, the culmination of years battling an unjust system. His fight for justice highlighted gaps within the legal framework, leading to renewed scrutiny of prosecutorial conduct during Harris' tenure.

Financial Compensation Following Pivotal Legal Victory

Trulove’s vindication came with both freedom and financial restitution. In 2019, after suing the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, he was awarded $13.1 million in compensation.

This outcome addressed the misconduct perpetrated by police officers involved in his initial arrest.

The jury found two officers, Maureen D’Amico and Michal Johnson, guilty of fabricating evidence and withholding exculpatory information.

This acknowledgment of malpractice within the police force underscored the gravity of Trulove’s prior plight and opened the door for civil compensation.

Despite his previous support for Kamala Harris during the 2020 elections, influenced heavily by his advisors and industry expectations, Trulove’s stance shifted significantly following her election to vice presidency.

Trulove’s Personal Reflections And Political Realignment

Trulove’s change of heart is rooted deeply in his traumatic legal experiences and the political landscape that followed.

"When we took at what our life was like when Trump was in office we felt like life was good compared to right now," Trulove conveyed to the New York Post, highlighting his dissatisfaction with the current administration’s policies on economics, the border, and warfare.

"We wasn’t in no wars, right now we’re in wars. Illegals wasn’t coming in, but they’re coming in now,” he continued, marking a clear distinction between his experiences under Trump versus the Biden-Harris administration. Trulove's political shift is not only a critique of present policies but also a response to personal betrayal.

"I could not see myself voting for a woman who had something to do with me being framed for murder,” he expressed, recalling a courtroom moment with Harris that left a lasting negative impression.

He went on, "I never forget when I turned around and I looked and I seen Kamala Harris, you know, we locked eyes there this one time, and she... and she laughed."

Ongoing Struggle and Advocacy for Justice

Despite the resolution of his case, Trulove's commitment to justice remains unshaken. "And trust me I’m not done with them by a long shot!! After what these cowards of the law did to me, I will lit my freedom ring through every platform I get to show what injustice really looks like. Me!” he articulated on the platform X.

His battle, though legally concluded with his exoneration and subsequent compensation, continues on public and social platforms where he advocates for reforms and accountability within the justice system.

His journey from wrongful conviction to activism paints a compelling story of resilience and transformation, influenced by personal hardships and broader political contexts.

In conclusion, Jamal Trulove’s story evolves from a harrowing wrongful conviction under the legal oversight of Kamala Harris to a broader critique of the current political administration.

His financial compensation, subsequent redirection of political faith, and ongoing advocacy underscore a profound journey of resilience and principled stances influenced by personal experiences and the broader socio-political landscape.