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Americans for Prosperity cuts off financial support to Haley campaign after landslide SC defeat

 February 26, 2024

The political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity Action has ceased financial support for Nikki Haley's presidential campaign following her defeat in the South Carolina GOP primary.

The decision came swiftly after Haley's loss in the South Carolina GOP primary to Donald Trump, marking a significant change in the group's strategy towards the 2024 presidential race, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

Strategic shift after South Carolina primary

Emily Seidel, CEO of Americans for Prosperity, told her staff that the political branch, AFP Action, needs to reassess its spending priorities in light of Haley's recent defeat. The focus is now shifting towards competitive Senate and House races, indicating a broader strategic realignment within the organization.

Haley, despite her loss, continues to receive strong endorsement from the group. Seidel expressed unwavering support for Haley's ongoing efforts but highlighted the limited influence of external groups in altering the trajectory of her campaign in the upcoming primaries.

AFP Action's withdrawal is a pivotal moment for Haley, who has yet to secure a primary victory against Trump. The group's financial support was once a cornerstone of her campaign, bolstering her as a formidable challenger to Trump.

Haley's campaign stands firm

In response to AFP Action's decision, Haley's campaign remains optimistic.

Spokeswoman Olivia Perez-Cubas emphasized the campaign's ongoing commitment to conservative values and the fight for freedom, thanking AFP for its significant contribution.

Perez-Cubas stated:

AFP is a great organization and ally in the fight for freedom and conservative government.

The campaign also highlighted a surge in grassroots support, with over $1 million in donations received within 24 hours of AFP Action's announcement.

This influx of funds signifies a strong base of support for Haley, underscoring her resolve to continue in the race.

Concerns over Trump's influence on GOP

AFP Action's strategic pivot is also influenced by concerns over Donald Trump's impact on the Republican Party.

Seidel stated:

The last 3 election cycles have painted a very clear picture of what we can expect from voters who consistently rejected Donald Trump and his impact on the Republican party brand. This has been reinforced by the recent elections in Virginia in 2023 and the special elections in New York and Pennsylvania just this month. And we should expect this to increase further as the criminal trials progress.

Seidel's email to staff outlined these concerns, linking them to the broader strategic shift within AFP Action. The focus on Senate races, deemed as having the highest potential for impact, reflects a calculated approach to navigate the current political landscape.

Despite halting financial support for Haley, AFP Action's apprehension about a Trump-led ticket in November remains, highlighting the complex dynamics at play within the Republican Party as it prepares for the 2024 elections.

Senate races as top priority

Amid these strategic recalibrations, AFP Action has identified Senate races as its top priority.

The organization believes that focusing on these races offers the best chance for success and for making a significant impact on the political landscape.

This prioritization underscores the group's commitment to influencing key races that could shape the balance of power in Congress, reflecting a broader strategy aimed at securing conservative victories across the board.

The shift away from Haley's campaign to Senate and House races marks a significant realignment of resources and strategy within Americans for Prosperity Action, signaling a new phase in the group's political engagement as the 2024 elections approach.


  • Americans for Prosperity Action ceases funding for Nikki Haley in the wake of her South Carolina primary defeat.
  • AFP Action shifts focus to competitive Senate and House races, citing limited influence in presidential primaries.
  • AFP Action expresses concerns over Trump's impact on the GOP and the potential consequences for upcoming elections.
  • Senate races identified as top priority for AFP Action, signaling a strategic realignment in political engagement.