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Anti-impeachment Republican demands Kamala Harris invoke 25th Amendment to remove Biden

 February 27, 2024

An anti-impeachment Republican congressman has urged President Joe Biden's removal from office, citing the 25th Amendment due to concerns over his fitness for office.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), known for his stance against impeachment, has taken a significant turn by advocating for the use of the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office. The Republican's concerns stem from observations about Biden's handling of classified documents and general fitness, attributed to his age and memory issues, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Details emerge on the resolution introduced by Rep. Buck

In a bold move, Buck introduced a resolution demanding immediate action from Vice President Kamala Harris and the Cabinet.

His resolution calls for a declaration acknowledging the president's incapacity to fulfill his duties effectively, a sentiment Buck believes is shared by many across the nation.

"The societal challenges and security threats our country faces are innumerable and require a chief executive with both strong mental and physical faculties," said Buck in a statement, highlighting the gravity of the situation and the need for decisive action.

This demand for action is not made lightly, as it requires a majority of the Cabinet to agree and formally notify Congress of the president's unfitness for office, a step that could have far-reaching implications for the administration and the country.

Concerns about President Biden's fitness for office

Buck's concerns are not unfounded, with various recent incidents raising questions about Biden's capabilities.

The president has been observed struggling with physical tasks and speaking unclearly at public events, incidents that Buck and others find troubling for someone in the highest office.

Special counsel Robert Hur's recent report, which stopped short of recommending prosecution for mishandling classified documents, also painted a picture of Biden as a well-intentioned but forgetful elder, further fueling the debate about his fitness for the presidency.

One particularly concerning moment came during an interview with Hur, where Biden appeared confused about significant personal and professional milestones, adding to the growing concerns about his mental acuity.

Political repercussions of the Hur report

The Hur report has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, prompting a defensive response from President Biden. His confusion during a recent press conference, where he mixed up foreign leaders, has only added to the concerns about his ability to lead effectively.

Biden's misidentification of individuals, including calling Yulia Navalnaya "Yolanda" after a meeting, raises questions about his awareness and attention to detail, critical traits for someone in his position.

These incidents underscore the challenges faced by the president in maintaining the sharpness required for his role, especially in interactions with foreign leaders and in responding to crises.

Rep. Buck's unique stance in the political landscape

Rep. Buck's advocacy for the use of the 25th Amendment is particularly noteworthy given his history of opposing impeachment efforts within his party.

His stance reflects a broader concern for the nation's welfare over party politics, a rare position in today's highly polarized environment.

Buck's decision to retire at the end of his term adds a layer of gravitas to his actions, suggesting a focus on legacy and the national interest rather than immediate political gain.

His previous opposition to impeachment resolutions, including one against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, highlights his principled approach to governance and his willingness to break ranks for his anti-impeachment efforts.


  • Rep. Ken Buck calls for the use of the 25th Amendment to remove President Joe Biden from office.
  • Concerns about Biden's fitness for office stem from his handling of classified documents and observable behaviors.
  • The Hur report and subsequent events have intensified scrutiny of Biden's capabilities.
  • Buck's position reflects a broader concern for national welfare over party politics.
  • The invocation of the 25th Amendment represents a significant constitutional and political move with wide-ranging implications.