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Formerly Anti-Trump ‘Club for Growth’ now working to unite GOP and defeat Joe Biden

 March 2, 2024

The Club for Growth, once at odds with Donald Trump, is now rallying the GOP to support him against Joe Biden.

In an unexpected turn of events, the Club for Growth, previously known for its anti-Trump stance, is now working to unify the Republican Party behind Trump. This shift comes as the GOP sets its sights on reclaiming the White House in the upcoming 2024 elections, as reported by Fox News.

A pivotal gathering at The Breakers

The annual economic retreat hosted by the Club for Growth is slated to take place at The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.

This event is known to draw significant attention, with an expected attendance of 125 major donors.

A source close to Trump shared with Fox News Digital the growing consensus within the conservative movement and the Republican Party. There's a strong push to rally around Trump to ensure victory over Joe Biden and reclaim presidential power.

Despite past disagreements between Trump and the Club for Growth, particularly concerning electability issues, current polls suggest a favorable outlook for Trump against Biden. This has led to a reconciliation of sorts between the two parties.

Rekindling an old partnership

David McIntosh, president of the Club for Growth, reflected on the collaborative efforts with Trump in the past.

Their joint initiatives on tax reform and deregulation were highlighted as key achievements that spurred prosperity across the nation.

However, McIntosh also pointed out the pressing challenges facing the country, such as inflation, interest rates, and crime, which he attributes to the current administration's policies.

He criticized the progressive agenda for exacerbating these issues, framing the upcoming election as a critical juncture for the country.

"Joe Biden and the radical Progressives only make things worse — this is what woke looks like," McIntosh remarked, underscoring the urgency of the 2024 election and the need for Republican unity.

Trump's dominant early primary performance

Trump has shown remarkable strength in the early primary contests, securing wins in several key states.

His success in states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and others has positioned him as the likely GOP nominee, with the upcoming Super Tuesday contests expected to seal his nomination.

Despite Trump's commanding lead, his primary opponent, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, has committed to continuing her campaign.

The Club for Growth's endorsement and support for Trump mark a significant shift in the GOP's strategy as they aim to consolidate their base and mount a formidable challenge against Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race.

The road to reclaiming the American Dream

McIntosh emphasized the collective effort required to overcome the current challenges and restore the American Dream.

He called for unity within the Republican Party, putting aside differences to ensure Biden's tenure remains limited to one term.

The importance of expanding the Republican majority in the House and reclaiming the Senate was also highlighted as a crucial step towards implementing their vision for America's future.

With the rallying cry, "When Trump and the Club for Growth are together, we always win," McIntosh and the Club for Growth are signaling a robust campaign strategy aimed at securing victories not only in the presidential race but across various electoral fronts in November.


  • The Club for Growth aligns with Trump to strengthen GOP's bid against Biden.
  • The annual retreat at The Breakers in Palm Beach signals a gathering of influential supporters.
  • Despite past differences, current polling and strategic goals have brought Trump and the Club for Growth together.
  • Challenges like inflation and crime are central to the GOP's critique of the Biden administration.
  • Trump's early primary victories underscore his strong position within the GOP.
  • The call for unity and a focused campaign strategy is clear as the GOP aims to reclaim power in 2024.