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AOC caught bragging about teaming up with gang members to reduce crime — but crime actually increased

 April 22, 2023

Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) claimed that she helped cut violent crime by enlisting former gang members.

The shocking words come as New York City's crime rate continues to increase.

An alternate reality

"Some of our most effective people in this work are the former gang members, people who formerly spent time at Rikers," Ocasio-Cortez said during a recent interview on "The Daily Show."

"Violence interruption works to keep us safe. Our job is to build awareness and popular support around effective solutions and alternatives to mass incarceration," she added.

The facts

Forensic accountant Sam Antar provided statistics alongside Ocasio-Cortez's interview to share the reality of crime in her district.

"Crime, as measured by 7 major felonies, increased 38% in the Bronx last week and it’s now up 4% year to date," he tweeted.

"Bronx crime is up 47% over 2 years ago and it’s up 59% over 13 years ago. Last year, the Bronx reported 4% more crime than in 2001, erasing 20 years of progress," he added.

That's not all

During the same interview, Ocasio-Cortez mocked Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas following accusations that he accepted improper gifts.

"Supreme Court justices are required if they are receiving money from people -- they shouldn’t even be receiving money from people," she stated.

"This is what we pay salaries to public servants and if they want to live that kind of lifestyle, then they can resign from the Court. They can retire," the congresswoman added.

Ocasio-Cortez admitted that her dislike of Thomas had to do with his rulings on abortion-related issues. He has been strongly pro-life in rulings, including last year's decision to return abortion laws to individual states.

The congresswoman also used the interview to mock cops and advocate against raising the minimum wage of police officers in New York.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams approved the decision to increase the minimum wage of new officers recently to help better recruit officers as the city faces ongoing police shortages.

The congresswoman's words are disconnected from the facts but didn't seem to keep her or the outlet interviewing her from moving forward with the interview.