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AOC Critiques Democratic Strategy on Biden’s Succession, Questions Party Unity

 July 21, 2024

A far-left lawmaker recently expressed significant concerns about Democratic Party unity and the secrecy surrounding discussions on President Joe Biden's potential withdrawal from the 2024 race.

During a live chat, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) openly addressed swirling rumors regarding the possible replacement of President Joe Biden, criticizing what she said was the lack of transparency among her Democratic colleagues and the reliance on anonymous sources when discussing such a critical party matter, as Breitbart reports.

Ocasio-Cortez emphasized the uncertainty around whether the party could unify behind Vice President Kamala Harris if she were to step into Biden’s role.

Her frustration was palpable as she spoke about the untimely nature of these discussions, suggesting they should have occurred much earlier.

Amid Political Tensions, AOC Condemns Secrecy

The congresswoman criticized certain Democrats for preferring to give anonymous quotes to journalists rather than stating their positions publicly. She described this behavior as problematic, contributing to a lack of straightforward communication within the party.

"I want to talk to you all about all of this craziness that you see in the media about Joe Biden, and I’m just ripping the band-aid off because I think that it’s really important that people get the straight truth," Ocasio-Cortez stated during the chat.

She continued, highlighting the disservice being done to the party and the public by not being transparent. "And I feel like there has been a lot of smokescreens that have been going on about this and that people have not been getting told the full story here," she added.

Ocasio-Cortez Challenges Party’s Approach

In her remarks, Ocasio-Cortez also referred to what she says is the general fear among the populace regarding the potential return of Donald Trump to the presidency, labeling him as a "neo-Nazi" and "racist." This came shortly after an assassination attempt against the former president.

Her comments reflect a broader concern about the political landscape and the repercussions of not addressing the leadership questions directly and transparently.

"I don’t have a crystal ball. I don’t know what’s going on, but I believe that you all deserve to know what I see in this moment, as I see it," she said.

The New York lawmaker's criticism wasn’t limited to just the secrecy but also targeted the timing of the discussions, which she found particularly concerning. "What I see right now, and I want you all to know, is that over the last several weeks, there have been lots of Democrats who have been giving little anonymous quotes to the press, to some journalists, to print," she explained.

Public Statements vs. Anonymous Comments

Ocasio-Cortez pointed out the contradiction in her colleagues' willingness to speak to the press anonymously while fearing to make their views public. "I’m not coming for the people who have made a public statement and put their name on it. Like, Lord knows, I’ve done plenty of that myself," she remarked.

She continued to express her disdain for those hiding behind anonymity, arguing it undermines the integrity of the political process.

"I’m talking about people who are too scared to say what they want to say in public, but somehow not afraid to say what they want to say to a journalist so long as they promise not to use their name. That’s a bunch of horseshit!" she declared.

This criticism highlights what AOC views as a larger issue within the party about how leadership transitions are being handled and discussed among members.

Conclusion: Summarizing the Democratic Dilemma

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s comments shed light on the internal conflicts and challenges within the Democratic Party as they grapple with the idea of potentially replacing President Joe Biden.

Her call for transparency highlights her belief in the need for open communication to ensure party unity.

Furthermore, her candid remarks about the secretive actions of some Democrats and the lack of guaranteed support for Vice President Kamala Harris illustrate the complex dynamics at play as the next presidential election approaches.