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AOC flies off the handle after ‘Libs of TikTok’ told her about ethics complaint

 March 31, 2023

Chaya Raichik, the creator of the "Libs of TikTok" Twitter account, recently filed a formal ethics complaint against Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) that accuses the progressive congresswoman of "defaming" and lying about her.

Raichik directly confronted Ocasio-Cortez about the purported defamation in the halls of Congress while personally serving the complaint, which prompted the congresswoman to accuse the social media star of being "super transphobic" before storming off, the Daily Mail reported.

The ethics complaint filed by Raichik along with the conservative Heritage Foundation Oversight Project formally requests the Office of Congressional Ethics to open an investigation into Ocasio-Cortez's alleged dishonest claims against Raichik during a committee hearing in January.

"You’re actually super transphobic," congresswoman fumes

The New York Post reported that Raichick and Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project went to Capitol Hill last week to try to personally serve Rep. Ocasio-Cortez with the ethics complaint that asserts the congresswoman violated House rules by "knowingly and intentionally defaming" Raichik during the committee hearing.

They first tried to hand-deliver the complaint at Ocasio-Cortez's office, but she wasn't there so the copy of the complaint was left with a staffer to give to the congresswoman later, along with a reminder that she should "stop lying about American citizens."

However, before Raichik and Howell could exit the building, they ran into Ocasio-Cortez herself and the two women initially posed for a picture together before Raichik revealed who she was and informed the congresswoman of the ethics complaint that had been filed.

It was at that point that Ocasio-Cortez's demeanor suddenly changed and she said, "You’re actually super transphobic and I never want to share a space with you," and added a sarcastic "Thank you" with a dismissive wave of her hand toward the cell phone camera that caught the interaction.

Exposure of hospital's practices was accurate

The Washington Examiner reported that the confrontation stemmed from a viral post last year on the Libs of TikTok account that exposed the Boston Children's Hospital, in the words of one of its own doctors, for performing "gender-affirming care," including hysterectomies and double-mastectomies, on underage minor children.

The ideological left exploded in outrage against Raichik and accused her of inspiring death threats against the hospital and transgender individuals more broadly, and during a House Oversight Committee hearing in January about Twitter's suppression of conservative speech, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez asked former top Twitter executive Yoel Roth about the Libs of TikTok post in question.

"Are you aware … that from Aug. 11 to Aug. 16 that account posted false information about Boston Children’s Hospital claiming that they were providing hysterectomies to children?" she asked, to which Roth replied in the affirmative.

Except, the account didn't share "false information" at all, according to the Examiner, as it simply shared a video of Boston Children's Hospital's own Dr. Frances Grimstad openly promoting the "gender-affirming hysterectomy" and "ovary removal" procedures that it willingly offered to minors.

In fact, according to the complaint, the hospital's own website confirmed that it offered "gender affirmation surgery services to eligible adolescents and young adults who are ready to take this step in their journey," and a prior study conducted by the Journal of Clinical Medicine revealed that Boston Children's Hospital had "performed 65 double-mastectomies on minors over the course of three years."

Complaint calls for investigation, formal reprimand, and public apology

According to the Examiner, the ethics complaint filed by Raichik and the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project said, "Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s accusation that the tweet contained false information is itself outrightly false on its face."

"Surely Rep. Ocasio-Cortez watched the video herself before using it in her line of questioning, so she knew – at a minimum – that Ms. Raichik’s statement in her tweet was supported by the attached video, and she knew that Boston Children’s Hospital actually did tout its 'gender-affirming hysterectomies,'" the complaint continued. "Rep. Ocasio-Cortez knowingly made this allegation in bad faith."

The complaint further accused the congresswoman of "knowingly and intentionally defaming Chaya Raichik, creator of the viral Libs of TikTok account, falsely accusing her of lying and disseminating disinformation" that she knew or should have known was true.

The complaint asks the OCE to open an investigation and, if Ocasio-Cortez is determined to have lied about Raichik, for her to be formally reprimanded, have the false accusation stricken from the congressional record, and for the congresswoman to either issue an apology or a public clarification of her prior remarks.