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AP Verifies Video of Obama and Biden Exiting Stage, Cites One Unnamed Source

 June 19, 2024

A recent video showing former President Obama helping President Joe Biden off a stage sparked a detailed fact-check by the Associated Press.

Breitbart reported that the fact-check addresses online speculations about Biden's health, fueled by his public appearances and age-related concerns.

The video circulated widely online, capturing Obama guiding Biden away from the podium after a public event. This occurred amid ongoing scrutiny of Biden's occasional public lapses, which have not gone unnoticed by the media and public alike.

Detailed Analysis of Viral Video

According to the AP, the video was from a recent event with both figures. After Biden paused, Obama helped him, which some saw as a sign of poor health.

An anonymous source at the event told the AP that Obama's gesture was just friendly, not necessary.

Public Reactions and White House Comments

This incident follows another in Europe, where Biden appeared disoriented before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni assisted him. Such events have fueled debates about Biden's capability, given his age.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed concerns in a press conference, calling the Republican National Committee's videos deceptive and misleading. She avoided commenting on Biden's health and criticized the opposition's tactics instead.

Analysis of Footage by the Associated Press

The AP scrutinized the footage, showing Biden pausing to enjoy applause before Obama subtly aided him.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said Biden was just taking in the crowd's applause, indicating no health issue.

Political Opposition Raises Questions

The White House's benign interpretation hasn't quelled opponents' speculations. Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung argued the White House is masking real concerns about Biden's capabilities.

Cheung criticized the Biden administration, implying inexperienced staff are mishandling the campaign and suggesting a conspiracy to hide Biden's alleged incompetence.

Public Perception and Poll Results

A Quinnipiac poll released in February revealed significant public skepticism about Biden's age, with 67% of voters expressing doubts about his fitness for a potential second term.

This sentiment underscores the delicate balance the White House must maintain in managing public perception while addressing genuine concerns about the President's age and health.


In conclusion, the AP's fact-check attempted to clarify the context behind a video of Obama and Biden exiting a stage, which has fueled ongoing debates about Biden's fitness for office. While the White House and Biden's campaign assert that these moments are innocuous, opposition figures and a significant portion of the public remain unconvinced. As the political landscape evolves, so too does the scrutiny of every public appearance made by President Biden.