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Author Peter Schweitzer’s ‘Blood Money’ exposes fentanyl trade, ties between Biden and China

By Samuel Lee on
 February 26, 2024

Peter Schweizer's new book 'Blood Money' exposes China's comprehensive involvement in the North American fentanyl crisis.

In his latest investigative work, "Blood Money," Peter Schweizer delves into the alarming involvement of China in the fentanyl epidemic plaguing North America. Schweizer, a seasoned journalist and the president of the Government Accountability Institute, outlines how China plays a pivotal role at every juncture of the fentanyl trade, from production to distribution within the United States, Breitbart reported.

The intricate web of China's fentanyl trade

China's production of precursor chemicals for fentanyl is a well-known issue. However, Schweizer's research goes further. Additionally, it uncovers the extent of China's involvement in the drug's full production cycle. Moreover, it exposes the distribution and even the financial aspects of its trafficking.

Utilizing a range of sources including US national security documents, leaked communications from the Mexican government, and Chinese corporate records, Schweizer paints a comprehensive picture of a drug operation controlled by China from start to finish.

"While we debate domestic politics to address the fentanyl crisis, the reality is that Beijing is deeply involved at every stage of the drug’s production and distribution in the United States," Schweizer notes, highlighting the gravity of China's role in the crisis.

The nexus of crime, politics, and finance

Undoubtedly, the collaboration between Chinese organized crime syndicates, known as triads, and Mexican drug cartels is a key aspect of Schweizer's findings.

Besides, this relationship underscores the complex nature of the fentanyl trade. The tacit support of financial institutions is also involved.

Without a doubt, Chinese banks have been implicated in laundering money generated from the fentanyl trade. They facilitate the financial transactions necessary for the drug cartels to thrive.

This aspect of the trade illustrates the multifaceted approach China has taken in weaponizing fentanyl.

In addition to financial transactions, China's involvement extends to facilitating the communication networks that allow drug cartels to operate undetected within the United States. This comprehensive support system makes the challenge of combating the fentanyl crisis even more daunting.

Revealing the global impact of China's actions

Schweizer's book not only exposes the depth of China's involvement in the fentanyl crisis. Besides, it also delves into broader themes of geopolitical manipulation and corruption.

"Blood Money" reveals China's "Disintegration Warfare" plans, aimed at causing social chaos in the United States and undermining the fabric of American society.

The investigative work also traces money flows between the U.S. and China. Patterns that suggest a complex web of financial relationships are uncovered. These enable and perhaps even encourage the continuation of the fentanyl trade.

The cover of "Blood Money" features notable figures such as California Governor Gavin Newsom, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and President Joe Biden, alongside Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping, hinting at the intricate connections and the high stakes involved in the fentanyl crisis.

The lasting impact of investigative journalism

As a whole, Peter Schweizer is no stranger to impactful journalism.

His previous works have sparked FBI investigations. Moreso, these led to significant political and legal repercussions. "Blood Money" is poised to continue this tradition. This sheds light on a global crisis that affects countless lives.

The book's revelations about China's comprehensive role in the fentanyl trade are a call to action for policymakers and the public alike. It emphasizes the need for a united and informed response. This eventually tackles not just the symptoms but the root causes of the fentanyl epidemic.

As the fentanyl crisis continues to ravage communities across North America, "Blood Money" serves as a crucial exposé of the forces behind the scenes. Schweizer's work is a testament to the power of investigative journalism in unveiling uncomfortable truths and spurring societal change.


  • Peter Schweizer's "Blood Money" uncovers China's deep involvement in the North American fentanyl crisis.
  • The book highlights the production, distribution, and financial operations controlled by China, revealing a complex network of criminal and financial activities.
  • It sheds light on the collaboration between Chinese triads and Mexican drug cartels, facilitated by Chinese banks' money laundering activities.
  • "Blood Money" also explores the broader geopolitical strategies of China, including "Disintegration Warfare" aimed at destabilizing American society.
  • The work of Schweizer underscores the importance of investigative journalism in bringing to light the multifaceted challenges posed by the fentanyl crisis.