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Barack Obama Slams Apathy of Unregistered Voters

 September 11, 2024

In a passionate appeal on the I've Had It podcast, former President Barack Obama voiced significant concerns about voter registration and engagement, particularly among younger demographics.

Obama took the opportunity to slam conservative initiatives such as Project 2025 and expressed strong support for the Harris-Walz presidential ticket while lamenting what he views as apathy among those who cannot be bothered to complete the process of voter registration, as Newsweek reports.

Obama’s appearance on the podcast highlighted his frustration with the nearly 51 million eligible U.S. voters who remain unregistered, emphasizing the importance of their involvement in shaping future governance.

He specifically targeted younger voters, stressing the critical impact of their participation on issues like women's healthcare, climate change, and fair wages.

“For those of you who are unregistered and not thinking about voting, I have permanently had it with you,” Obama expressed, revealing his exasperation with the lack of engagement from potential voters.

Obama Highlights Critical Voter Engagement Issues

During the podcast, Obama discussed several cornerstone issues, advocating for respect and dignity for all, while also addressing the economic challenges many Americans face.

“Everyone should have the opportunity to get a job, work hard, and make something of themselves. When they are down on their luck or something happens, we as a community should come together and pick them up and that is not what Project 2025 stands for,” he said, referencing a conservative think tank's initiative aimed at shaping the next administration.

The Controversial Project 2025 Explained

Project 2025, organized by The Heritage Foundation, aims to establish a conservative blueprint for governance through four pillars: policy, personnel, training, and a strategic 180-day playbook for the first days of a new administration.

Obama criticized the project’s agenda, which he claimed would strip away fundamental rights and dismantle significant services like the Department of Education.

“This is an agenda that has been put together that would take away rights and freedoms that so many of us take for granted. It would dismantle services like the Department of Education, it's not the type of America we'd want to live in,” Obama elaborated.

Support for Harris-Walz in Upcoming Election

Amid his criticisms, Obama strongly endorsed the Harris-Walz presidential ticket, pledging his support to ensure their victory in the upcoming elections.

“These are the people we want leading us in the kind of country we are looking for, the kind where we build a better future for our kids,” he emphasized, showcasing his vision for a liberal-led America.

His endorsement comes at a crucial time when voter mobilization could play a key role in determining the outcome of the elections.

Challenging the Apathy of Unregistered Voters

Obama’s call to the unregistered voters was both a challenge and a reminder of their power in the democratic process.

“You wouldn't let your grandparents make decisions about what you wear or what you listen to so why are you letting them make decisions without any input from you about the kind of country you're going to be living in,” he questioned, urging young voters to take active roles in politics.

This rhetorical question underscored the necessity for all eligible voters to participate, especially those Obama believes have historically been disengaged.

Increasing Voter Turnout Is Essential

The podcast session concluded with Obama reiterating his belief in the importance of each vote and the collective responsibility to ensure a democratic and fair election process.

He underlined the significant impact that an energized and informed voter base could have on the political landscape, particularly in countering conservative agendas with which he disagrees, such as Project 2025.

With the elections approaching, the push for increased voter registration and turnout has become a central theme for many advocacy groups and political campaigns aiming to shift the current political dynamics.