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Barron Trump, now taller than his famous father, attends grandmother’s funeral with family

 January 19, 2024

In news that surprised many, Barron Trump's height outshone even that of his father, former President Donald Trump, as the family gathered this week for his grandmother's funeral.

The Trump family recently came together to mourn the loss of Melania Trump's mother, Amalija Knavs. The solemn event was marked by the presence of Barron Trump, the youngest son of Donald Trump, who at 17 years old, stands at an impressive 6 feet 7 inches tall.

This height makes him the tallest in his family, surpassing even his father, the former president, who himself is notably tall at 6 feet 3 inches, as reported by the Daily Mail.

A towering presence in the family

The funeral service, held at Bethesda-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Palm Beach, Florida, saw about 100 mourners come together to bid farewell to Amalija Knavs.

Barron, standing alongside his father, mother, and Knavs' widower Viktor, was a prominent figure, dwarfing the other family members. His stature was particularly noticeable as the family waited for the arrival of the coffin.

It was not just his height that set Barron apart.

The teenager, who has grown under the watchful eyes of his grandmother, shared a special bond with her.

According to Melania Trump in her eulogy, Amalija Knavs showered Barron with love and affection, a testament to their close-knit relationship.

Personal anecdotes lighten the mood

Donald Trump, at a campaign event, attributed Barron's impressive growth to his mother's traditional Slovenian cooking, sharing a light-hearted moment with his supporters.

He joked about how the Slovenian diet was the secret behind Barron's height, hinting at the strong cultural ties the family maintains with Melania's heritage.

This connection is further emphasized by the fact that Barron, taught by his grandparents, speaks Slovenian and even holds dual citizenship, a unique aspect for an American president's son.

"That's how he got so tall, he only ate her food," Trump joked to the crowd of supporters. "I said you're gonna be a basketball player. He said, "well, I like soccer dad, actually". But you can't talk them into everything! Barron was a special boy," Trump added.

The connection with his Slovenian roots doesn't stop at cuisine or language.

It extends to Barron's relationship with his aunt Ines, with whom he reportedly converses in Slovenian. This bond is not just familial but also formal, with Ines playing a crucial role in ensuring Barron's ties to his Slovenian citizenship.

A somber yet dignified farewell

The funeral service was a mix of personal grief and public attention.

The Trump family, closely followed by Secret Service agents, arrived in a procession of black SUVs.

Dressed in somber black attire, they presented a united front as they approached the church, a significant venue where Melania and Donald Trump's marital journey began nearly two decades ago.

Inside the church, Melania Trump, maintaining her composure, delivered a heartfelt eulogy. She spoke of her mother's nurturing spirit and unwavering dedication, painting a picture of a woman who was not only admired for her beauty and style but also revered for her hard work and dedication.

The enduring legacy of Amalija Knavs

As the service concluded, the family, visibly moved, watched as the coffin, adorned with a beautiful arrangement of white roses, orchids, and lilies, was carried out.

This solemn moment was a poignant reminder of the close-knit nature of the Trump family, united in grief and respect for the matriarch of the family.

Melania solemnly stated:

Rest in peace, my beloved mother. Her nurturing spirit had no limits, creating a legacy that will last for generations.

A family's bond transcends public life

The funeral not only brought the Trump family together in mourning but also highlighted the deep connections they share.

Barron's towering presence, both physically and in the family's dynamics, was evident. His unique upbringing, influenced by diverse cultures and strong familial bonds, sets him apart.

This event, set against the backdrop of a church that holds significant meaning for the Trumps, was a testament to their unity and respect for family traditions.

As they walked out of the church, the quiet strength and solidarity of the family were palpable, marking the end of the ceremony and the beginning of a period of private reflection and remembrance.


  • Barron Trump, standing at 6 feet 7 inches, was a towering figure at his grandmother's funeral, surpassing even his father's notable height.
  • The funeral, held at Bethesda-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, was a solemn event, marked by the close-knit nature of the Trump family.
  • Personal anecdotes and a touching eulogy by Melania Trump highlighted the deep familial bonds and the cultural heritage that influences the family.
  • The funeral also underscored the Trump family's respect for traditions and their unity in times of grief and remembrance.