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Ben Carson Predicts Consequential Trump-Harris Debate

 September 9, 2024

The upcoming presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump has sparked significant interest, with many political analysts weighing in on its potential importance.

One such voice is Dr. Ben Carson, who has described the Sept. 10 debate as potentially one of the most consequential in U.S. political history, as the Daily Wire reports.

Carson emphasized that the debate would provide the public with a clearer understanding of Kamala Harris's stance on key policies.

He pointed out that some of her positions have been seen as inconsistent, particularly in areas such as health care and immigration, which will likely be major topics during the evening's exchanges.

Carson Questions Harris's Shifting Views on Policy

During an appearance on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures, Carson discussed the question of whether Harris had truly "flip-flopped" on her values or whether she had maintained a consistent position throughout her career. He specifically pointed to her policies from her time as district attorney in San Francisco, during which she was criticized for allowing leniency toward theft and opposing legislation that would restrict abortion.

According to Carson, these policy positions raise questions about Harris's values, especially when compared to Trump’s clear platform based on his previous administration. "So, what you’re going to see in the debate is Donald Trump running on his past policies and Kamala Harris running away from her past policies," Carson remarked.

Harris Faces Criticism Over Past Support for Medicare for All

Harris’s stance on health care, particularly Medicare for All, has drawn considerable scrutiny. Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz highlighted Harris's previous advocacy for a government-run health care system, which would effectively eliminate private insurance for millions of Americans. Chaffetz, speaking on the same Fox News program, questioned whether Harris still supported that notion, given the public's growing concern over such a sweeping reform.

Carson further criticized socialized medicine during his interview, claiming it would lead to poorer health outcomes and increased government control over citizens. Citing historical examples, he warned that socialized medicine is often a steppingstone toward full-out socialism.

Harris Faces Tough Polling Numbers Ahead of Debate

With the debate approaching, Harris faces a tight race against Trump. A New York Times/Siena poll has shown a close contest, with Harris's post-convention momentum starting to fade. This adds to the pressure on her as she prepares for her first direct debate with Trump.

Carson and other commentators expect Harris to adopt an aggressive strategy to unsettle Trump during the debate. According to Carson, Harris is likely to focus on getting "under Trump's skin," which he believes will be central to her preparation.

Carson's Concerns Over Harris's Values in Focus

Carson did not hold back in questioning what he sees as inconsistencies in Harris’s policy views. He raised concerns about her positions on topics such as immigration, abortion, and even environmental policies, such as advocating for mandates on car choices and household appliances. These policies, according to Carson, are far from the free-market-driven approach Trump championed during his presidency.

The debate, Carson predicted, would expose these differences starkly. He believes Harris will attempt to avoid discussing her past positions, whereas Trump will remain transparent about his platform.

Trump Expected to Emphasize Policy Consistency

Carson noted that Trump does not require extensive debate preparation because of his consistent policy positions. "Donald Trump doesn’t have to prep, because the truth is always the truth," Carson said. He emphasized that Trump’s transparency and familiarity with the issues are advantages that will resonate with the audience.

In contrast, Harris may face challenges defending her evolving policy positions in areas such as immigration and health care. Carson remarked that even Harris herself may be unclear about her current platform, which could weaken her standing in the debate.

Debate Expected to Draw Significant Viewership

The upcoming debate, scheduled to air on ABC, is set to be a key moment in the 2024 general election cycle. With Harris stepping into the national spotlight for the first time in a direct contest against Trump, all eyes will be on how she handles the pressure and scrutiny.

This debate follows the first one of the 2024 election cycle, which took place in June between Trump and President Joe Biden. After Biden's widely criticized performance, he faced mounting pressure to step aside, ultimately making way for Harris to take center stage against Trump.

Conclusion: High Stakes for Both Candidates

As the nation awaits this pivotal debate, the stakes are high for both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Harris must clarify her stance on key policies and navigate criticism of her past positions. Meanwhile, Trump will seek to emphasize his policy consistency and leverage his previous experience in office.

The debate is expected to provide a critical opportunity for voters to evaluate Harris's vision for the future and Trump's arguments for a return to the presidency. As Dr. Ben Carson predicted, it could indeed be "one of the most consequential debates" in recent memory.