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Ben Carson Warns: Biden's Health Risks National Security

 April 28, 2024

In a candid interview with Newsmax, Dr. Ben Carson, a prominent figure known for his medical expertise and political insights, raised concerns about President Joe Biden's mental and physical abilities.

Dr. Ben Carson argues that President Biden's health could potentially endanger the security of the United States, as Newsmax reports.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who once served in Donald Trump's Cabinet, voiced these concerns during an interview that aired on the network's show Eric Bolling The Balance.

The conversation took place on Friday, shedding light on the physical and cognitive health of Biden.

Carson Cites Mobility Concerns with Biden

Notably, Dr. Carson pointed to a recent development concerning President Biden's physical health. Earlier this month, it became evident that Biden has started relying on a team of aides to support him during his walks to Marine One.

This change suggests a decline in his physical capabilities, a matter important enough to catch Carson's professional eye.

"I feel sympathy for the man," said Carson, expressing concern rather than censure for Biden's situation.

Global Perceptions and Presidential Health

Carson also discussed how this perceived weakening of Biden's capacities might be affecting his image on an international stage. He mentioned, "[Biden] is viewed as a 'laughingstock' overseas," indicating a negative interpretation of Biden's capabilities from abroad, which he emphatically noted was not merely due to his age.

According to Carson, the issue of mental alertness transcends age, as he knows many who are older and still "mentally quite agile." His suggestion for resolving these suspicions involves Biden undergoing a mental status test to clarify any doubts regarding his cognitive health.

The Suggestion of a Mental Status Test

The proposition of a mental status test was argued forcefully by Carson, who believes that many concerns about Biden's mental health could be either confirmed or dispelled through such an assessment. "There's something more wrong," Carson speculated about Biden's condition, hinting at issues that go beyond normal aging.

These statements from a medical professional who has also served at high levels of government highlight a deep concern about how health issues can impact not just the individual but the country they lead.

A Closer Look at Carson's Commentary

Throughout the discussion, Carson repeatedly mentioned his sympathy for President Biden, indicating that his criticism stems from concern over national security rather than partisanship.

Reflecting on Carson's career, it's clear his comments come from a place of understanding both the demands of high office and the complexities of aging. His perspective as a doctor and former political figure gives him a unique vantage point on the potential risks posed by a leader's compromised health.

Understanding the Influence of Leadership Health

The health of a national leader is not just a private matter but one of public concern, especially in a global superpower like the United States. Presidential health can affect national decision-making and can even impact international relations.

As seen in the history spanning decades, transparency regarding the health of leaders, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt and more recently, Donald Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic, is crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring governmental stability.

Reflecting on Presidential Health and Public Concern

In concluding, Carson's commentary brings to the forefront longstanding debates about the transparency and fitness of individuals in critical positions of power. The call for Biden to undergo a mental health test, according to Carson, is one rooted in ensuring the safety and stability of the nation.

This discussion about President Biden’s health is yet another instance where the condition of a leader becomes a focal point of national and even international attention, reflecting the vast responsibilities resting on their shoulders.