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Bernie Sanders Urges Biden to Prove Cognitive Fitness

 July 10, 2024

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has issued a public challenge to President Joe Biden, urging him to demonstrate his mental fitness amid mounting concerns over his cognitive abilities.

Sanders emphasized the importance of Biden engaging in more spontaneous public interactions -- without his teleprompter -- to prove his competence and win reelection, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Sanders Calls for Spontaneous Interactions

During an interview with CNN on Monday, Sanders, a top senator and former presidential rival, did not downplay concerns about Biden's mental state and reelection prospects.

Sanders pointed out that many voters are worried about Biden's age and mental acuity. He stressed the necessity for Biden to engage more directly with the public without relying on prepared speeches.

Biden frequently uses a teleprompter for his speeches, which has led to criticisms about his ability to perform without it. Critics have noted that Biden's performances without a teleprompter can be halting and incoherent, even when he has pre-received questions.

During the first presidential debate at the end of June, which was conducted without teleprompters, Biden's responses were described as confused and rambling. This has further fueled concerns about his cognitive abilities.

Senator Stresses the Need for Transparency

Sanders reiterated the need for Biden to have more spontaneous moments to prove his mental capacity. "I think what he has got to do is get out there, interact with people, turn off the teleprompter. And people can make a judgment for themselves about how well he is doing," Sanders stated.

He suggested that Biden should engage in town meetings, press conferences, and direct interactions with people. According to Sanders, these settings would allow voters to better assess Biden's cognitive abilities.

"What I think is best is for him to get out, to talk to people, to do town meetings, to do press conferences, and let the people decide. That‘s how I think you determine cognitive ability," he added.

Sanders Reflects on His Own Campaigns

Sanders, who launched his own bids for the White House in 2016 and 2020, losing to Hillary Clinton and then to Biden, is now focused on ensuring Biden's reelection. Despite acknowledging concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities, Sanders believes the presidential race is ultimately about policy.

"You are voting for somebody on policy," he said while defending the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee. "Who is going to improve your life?"

During his 2016 campaign, Sanders accused top Democrats of rigging the primary process in favor of Clinton. Now, his focus has shifted to supporting Biden, despite the lingering concerns about his mental fitness.

Concerns Over Articulation of Policies

Sanders also voiced concerns about Biden's ability to articulate policy differences between Democrats and Republicans.

He emphasized the importance of clearly communicating stances on critical issues like the environment and Social Security. "The problem is, the president has not gotten out and contrasted his point of view representing working people with the Republicans," the senator said.

He strategized that if Biden can effectively contrast his views with those of the Republicans, he will perform well in the election. Sanders expressed confidence in Biden's potential performance, stating, "I think Biden’s going to do just fine."


In conclusion, Sen. Bernie Sanders has challenged President Joe Biden to demonstrate his mental fitness by engaging more directly with the public without relying on a teleprompter.

Sanders emphasized the importance of spontaneous interactions to address voter concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities. He believes that Biden's ability to clearly articulate policy differences with Republicans will be crucial for his reelection prospects.

Despite acknowledging these concerns, Sanders remains focused on supporting Biden's campaign and is confident in his potential to perform well in the election.