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Biden admits Trump might become president again, crowd boos him

 March 12, 2023

Biden was booed by his supporters during Thursday's speech in Philadelphia after suggesting that Trump may take back the White House in the next election. The speech, which was supposed to focus on the annual budget proposal, was seen as a set of self-deprecating statements by some.

In discussing the 2020 election, Biden called Trump the “former president — and maybe future president,” which did not get much approval from the audience. In fact, it drew boos and jeers.

Biden then made it clear that he was joking by adding, “Bless me, Father,” and making the sign on the cross.

Joking about his age, however, made him sound even more pessimistic. “As you can tell, I’ve only been around a few years — like 400,” he said sarcastically, despite being only 80 years old.

Both statements made some supporters question if Biden is losing hope of getting a second term.

Although Biden has not officially announced his candidacy for the 2024 election, it is presumed that he will be the Democratic nominee.

Should Trump and Biden face off again, the odds that the race could come close to a tie are high, as Trump has 45-48% support among registered voters, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll.

Not Giving Up Yet

Although some saw Biden’s statements as cynical, the president made plenty of comments proving that he was more than ready to fight the Republicans in another election.

“[MAGA Republicans are] not your father’s Republican Party,” he stated. 

He was also highly vocal in criticizing the party’s destruction of the economy, adding, “MAGA Republicans are threatening to default on the national debt — I keep talking about the national debt and the trillion-dollar debt.  It took 200 years to accumulate that debt. It’s not recent debt. This is all the debt that’s been accumulating interest on the debt for over 200 years.”

He then went on to shade former President Trump for his failure to support the average American, pointing out that, “In four years, he increased the national debt by 25 percent just in four years. Remember that — that multibillion-dollar tax break? Did you get any of it?”

These statements paved the way for Biden to show the sharp contrast with the proposals previously offered by Republicans, as he added that his plan would “lift the burden on hard-working Americans.”

What’s in the Package?

During the speech, which discussed Biden's $6.8 trillion budget proposal and the economy, Biden covered his top priorities for 2024 spending. 

One of the key focal points is increasing taxes on the wealthy by repealing Trump’s tax cuts, placing a minimum 25% tax on individuals with a net worth of $100 million+, and increasing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%.

There was also a strong focus on reducing prescription drug prices, especially for seniors,  and capping insulin at $35 a month.

College affordability was also discussed, with a proposal to introduce a new grant to help make two-year community college free, and increase the amount provided by the annually awarded Pell Grant to $7,895.

Other subjects addressed in the proposal include universal preschool and affordable child care, free school meals for kids, raising the child tax credit, expanding maternal healthcare in rural communities, and more.

Although there are plenty of widely popular suggestions for the budget, political experts believe that Biden’s proposal is unlikely to pass through the Republican-controlled House.