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Biden again refuses to acknowledge one of his grandchildren

 April 28, 2023

In the midst of an Arkansas paternity case, President Biden has once again failed to acknowledge his son Hunter's estranged 4-year-old daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, while speaking about his grandchildren, reported Fox News.

Biden's consistent dismissal of his seventh grandchild raises eyebrows as the case heats up.

Biden's Refusal to Acknowledge Navy Joan

On Take Our Kids to Work Day, Biden spoke to his staffers' children and claimed he speaks to his six grandchildren daily.

"I have six grandchildren, and I'm crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day — not a joke," Biden said. "As a matter of fact, I just got finished going through the calls, and only one of them answered the phone, but at least I got to leave a message."

However, he ignored Navy Joan, whom Hunter fathered with eclectic dancer, Lunden Roberts. This continues a pattern of Biden acting as if Navy Joan does not exist, including leaving her out of a Christmas stocking display at the White House for the second year in a row.

In 2020, Biden incorrectly stated he and his wife, Jill, had five grandchildren, overlooking a newborn Hunter had with his wife, Melissa Cohen. First Lady Jill Biden later corrected the number to six, still excluding Navy Joan.

Zach Parkinson, the Republican National Committee's deputy communications director, reacted to the situation by stating there are "only three options" that explain Biden's continued disregard for his granddaughter, adding that "none of which are good."

Hunter's Paternity Case

Hunter Biden initially denied being Navy Joan's father, but a 2019 DNA test confirmed his paternity. He has since been involved in legal battles to lower child support payments.

Navy Joan was born in August 2018, and Roberts filed a paternity suit in May 2019. Both parties agreed to temporary child support following the DNA test results.

In March 2020, Hunter and Roberts reached an agreement to settle their paternity and child-support suit, as reported by the Democrat-Gazette.

However, the case was reopened after Hunter requested changes to the child support payments. In December, Roberts' lawyers submitted a motion to change the girl's last name to Biden.

Ongoing Legal Battle and Hunter's Attempts to Stall

Arkansas Judge Holly Meyer ordered Hunter to appear in court next week regarding his paternity case. Hunter, however, is attempting to stall his in-person appearance.

On Wednesday, his lawyers requested a continuance to "properly prepare" for the hearing scheduled for Monday.

Questions about the President's Family Values

Conservatives are raising concerns about President Biden's commitment to family values as he consistently neglects to acknowledge his son's child, born out-of-wedlock, when speaking about his affection for his grandchildren.

This conduct appears particularly contradictory, considering Biden's outspoken support for family values and his efforts to advance them through legislation.

Media's Unequal Coverage of Presidential Scandals

The mainstream media has been notably quiet on this matter, demonstrating a double standard in their coverage.

While they eagerly reported on comparable scandals involving former President Trump and his family, they have shown reluctance to delve into the controversies surrounding the Biden family, leaving conservative audiences questioning the impartiality of media reporting.