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Biden Cautions On Future Supreme Court Appointments At LA Fundraiser

 June 17, 2024

At a star-studded event in Los Angeles, President Joe Biden emphasized the crucial role the upcoming election could play in shaping the future of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Washington Examiner reported that President Biden warned that the next U.S. president might have the power to appoint up to two Supreme Court justices, a decision that could significantly influence the nation's legal landscape.

Last Saturday, President Joe Biden delivered a compelling speech at a Los Angeles fundraiser, where notables from Hollywood and former President Barack Obama attended. The evening underscored the intersection of entertainment, politics, and justice.

During his speech, Biden highlighted the potential for the next President to appoint two Supreme Court justices. This statement comes at a critical time as many Americans view the balance of the court as a pivotal issue.

Biden's comments did not just future-gaze; he expressed concerns over former President Donald Trump's previous appointments. He highlighted how justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett—appointed by Trump—impact individual rights.

Biden Reflects On Judicial Appointments During Trump's Tenure

The President expressed concern about the types of justices Trump would appoint if reelected. He fears that such appointments could further erode individual rights, a cornerstone of democratic values in the U.S.

Biden explicitly mentioned Justice Samuel Alito and criticized him for the controversial act of flying flags at his residences, interpreting this as a distressing signal about the court's current direction under its conservative majority.

Biden's previous appointment of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson highlights the high stakes, as she is seen as a progressive counterbalance on the bench. Trump's influence over the Supreme Court, having appointed three justices, could grow even more significant if he secured a second term and appointed additional justices.

Biden's Pledge For Progressive Justices At Philly Event

At a campaign event in Philadelphia, Biden promised to appoint "progressive judges" to the Supreme Court, aiming to safeguard and extend civil liberties. This commitment reflects his vision for a judiciary that upholds the Constitution in favor of broad human rights.

The Los Angeles fundraiser was a platform for political statements and a significant fundraising event, which raised $28 million. Celebrities like Julia Roberts and George Clooney attended, underscoring Hollywood's ongoing engagement in political fundraising.

The quote from Biden at the fundraiser, "The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more," encapsulates the urgency and importance of the upcoming presidential elections in shaping the judiciary.

The Impact Of Trump's Potential Re-Election On The Supreme Court

Biden voiced a grim perspective on the possible return of Donald Trump to the presidency, highlighting, "He's already appointed two that have been very negative in terms of the rights of individuals."

Further expanding on the dangers of Trump's judicial influence, Biden lamented, "The idea that if [Trump] is reelected, he can appoint two more, flying flags upside down," indicating the dire consequences he foresees if Trump manages to influence the court further.

This emphasis on judicial appointments reflects a broader concern among Democrats and progressive voters about maintaining or shifting the court's ideological balance towards a more liberal stance, especially concerning issues like reproductive rights and voting laws.

Fundraiser Marks Critical Junction In Biden's Campaign

The Los Angeles event serves as a critical junction in Biden's campaign, melding high-profile fundraising with substantive discussions on the future of the U.S. judiciary. Such gatherings are pivotal in rallying support and articulating key campaign messages.

With $28 million raised, the event highlighted the financial backing Biden enjoys from influential sectors and demonstrated the high stakes involved in the upcoming election, particularly regarding the Supreme Court.

The presence of figures like Julia Roberts and George Clooney also serves to remind the public of the continued support from Hollywood for the Democratic platform, particularly in terms of judicial and civil rights issues.

Conclusion: Supreme Court At The Heart Of Election Concerns

In conclusion, President Biden's comments at the Los Angeles fundraiser highlight the critical importance of the upcoming election in determining the future composition of the U.S. Supreme natives.

With the potential appointment of up to two new justices, the next President could significantly influence the judicial landscape of the nation for years to come.