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Biden Declares No Pardon For Son In Event Of Conviction

 June 8, 2024

In a definitive statement, President Joe Biden announced he would not pardon his son, Hunter, if convicted in his federal criminal trial, CNN reported.

In an exclusive ABC interview with David Muir, President Biden made it clear that he would not use his presidential powers to pardon Hunter Biden if he is found guilty of federal gun charges. This declaration comes amidst Hunter's ongoing trial in Delaware, drawing significant media attention.

The trial involves Hunter Biden, facing allegations of illegal gun purchase and possession during a period of drug addiction. As a violation of federal law, these charges have placed Hunter in a precarious legal position despite his plea of not guilty.

Historic Trial Unfolds For Presidential Child

This trial marks a historic moment as it is the first instance where a sitting president's child stands trial. Hunter Biden's legal struggles occur against the backdrop of his battle with substance addiction, which he has publicly acknowledged, particularly concerning alcohol and crack cocaine.

The charges were initiated by special counsel David Weiss, focusing on Hunter's acquisition and possession of a firearm. The legal scrutiny adds a layer of complexity, given Hunter's admitted drug use at the time of the firearm purchase.

While the legal proceedings advance, the White House remains firm regarding any potential pardon. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated in December that President Biden has no plans to pardon his son, aligning with his commitment to not interfere with ongoing federal cases.

First Lady Supports Amid Trial

Amid the trial, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden was present before she left for France with her husband to attend D-Day commemoration events. Her presence underscores the Biden family's personal challenges during this legal ordeal.

In his statements, President Biden has expressed paternal pride and a solid commitment to legal independence. He articulated deep pride in Hunter's progress and resilience in the face of addiction, describing his journey as inspiring to many American families facing similar struggles.

"I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today," Biden said during the trial's commencement, reflecting his dual role as both a national leader and a father.

Comparison To Trump's Recent Trial

Notably, this trial follows closely on the heels of former President Donald Trump's legal battle in New York, where he was found guilty of falsifying business records on several counts. Trump has vocally criticized his verdict, starkly contrasting Biden's legal stance involving family.

Trump accused Biden of influencing his criminal charges, which Biden denied. Instead, Biden emphasizes the fairness of the judicial process, highlighting his non-interference in federal legal proceedings, even as they involve his family.

"He's trying to undermine it. He got a fair trial. The jury spoke," Biden recounted Trump's statements in the ABC interview, further distancing his approach from his predecessor's.

White House's Firm Stance on Judicial Independence

In the wake of these trials, the White House has maintained a consistent position on the judicial system's independence. This stance is intended to reassure the public of the integrity of federal proceedings, especially when they involve high-profile individuals.

As the trial progresses, the world watches how the Biden family navigates the intersection of personal tribulation and public duty. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for the perception of justice in high-level political families.

"Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he has brought to his recovery inspire us. A lot of families have loved ones who have overcome addiction and know what we mean," President Biden shared, reflecting on the broader impact of his son's struggles on many American families.

Continued Support Through Presidential Trials

The support of his family and the steadfastness of the White House's policy against interference in federal legal matters highlight the ongoing narrative of Hunter Biden's trial. President Biden's refusal to pardon his son if convicted reinforces the administration's commitment to the rule of law, setting a precedent for presidential conduct in legal matters involving family members.

As the trial draws global attention, it remains a poignant reminder of the personal challenges that can shadow public lives and the steadfast principles that guide judicial proceedings in the United States.

In conclusion, the Biden family stands by Hunter, demonstrating unwavering support amidst legal and personal challenges while maintaining a clear separation between personal allegiance and presidential duty.