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Biden Expressed Doubts About Harris’ Ability to Defeat Trump: Report

 July 24, 2024

President Joe Biden on Sunday revealed his decision to abandon his re-election campaign.

Biden's announcement has sparked significant debate within the Democratic Party, with some sources suggesting that the president himself lacked confidence in Harris' ability to prevail against former President Donald Trump this fall, as Breitbart reports.

Biden’s endorsement of Harris came shortly after his announcement via his personal X account. However, this endorsement has been noted by Republicans as unusual, considering what are said to have been his earlier expressed doubts about her strength as a candidate.

The split in the Democratic Party seemed apparent soon after Biden's announcement, and though key leaders, including some members of the progressive "Squad," Bill and Hillary Clinton, and several state and federal lawmakers, rallied around Harris, doubts still lingered among others.

High-Profile Democrats Initially Hold Back Support

Not all prominent Democrats immediately showed their support for Harris. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer held back their support until earlier this week, and former President Barack Obama is still refraining from fully endorsing Harris.

These leaders were cautious about appearing to engineer Harris’s nomination, a sentiment echoed in a report by Politico Playbook.

Obama addressed the situation, stating, "We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead," and added, "But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges."

Democrat Leaders Tread Carefully

The hesitance from Obama and other top Democrats stemmed from a desire to avoid being seen as "back-room party bosses." Their reluctance underscored a broader concern within the party about maintaining democratic integrity, especially given Biden's significant primary vote count in the previous election cycle.

Harris, despite not winning any primary delegates in 2016, is now the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, with the decision set to be made in four weeks. Her approval rating stands at 38.6%, slightly higher than Biden's 38.5%, but both figures are notably below the 50% threshold typically considered necessary for a strong reelection bid.

Potential Alternatives Emerge

With the primary approaching, other potential Democratic nominees have been mentioned by some. Among them are Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, and Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky. These names have been floated as viable alternatives should Harris's candidacy fail to gain traction, but also as potential vice-presidential candidates.

The Democratic Party now faces a critical decision-making period. Leaders are weighing their options and considering the best strategy to unify the party and present a strong candidate capable of challenging Trump in the general election. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining the party's direction and its ability to coalesce around a nominee who can lead them to victory.

Divided Support Among Democrats

The division that initially appeared within the Democratic Party highlights the challenges Harris could face as she seeks to consolidate support. While many members of the party are rallying behind her, the lack of unanimous backing from key figures poses a significant hurdle. The party's unity and strategic coherence will be essential in the lead-up to the election.

Harris' ability to build a broad coalition within the party and appeal to the wider electorate will be tested in the coming weeks. Her performance in the primaries and the level of support she can garner from influential party leaders will be pivotal in determining her viability as the Democratic nominee.


In summary, President Joe Biden's decision to step aside from the upcoming election has set off a wave of uncertainty and division within the Democratic Party.

While he has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, his reported doubts about her ability to defeat Donald Trump have cast a shadow over her candidacy.

Prominent Democratic leaders are attempting to unify in their support, with some, however, still withholding endorsements to avoid the perception of undemocratic practices.

Harris, now the frontrunner, faces the challenge of unifying the party and proving her electability in a highly competitive and uncertain political landscape. Potential alternatives are still available, adding to the complexity of the situation as the party navigates this critical juncture.