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Biden-Harris Policies Lead to Surge in Foreign Workers as American Jobs Decline

 September 7, 2024

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris's approach to immigration has led to significant changes in the U.S. job market, with foreign workers gaining a substantial number of jobs, while at the same time, a considerable number of native-born Americans have exited the workforce, according to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The August jobs report revealed that over the past year, more than 1.2 million foreign workers have found jobs, while 1.3 million native-born Americans have lost employment during the same period, as Breitbart reports.

The administration’s migration policies have had a noticeable impact on the labor market, reshaping employment trends. While job opportunities for foreign-born workers have surged, native-born Americans continue to experience job losses. These shifts reflect a broader trend that has been developing since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Foreign Workers See Significant Job Gains

The BLS report highlights that over the past year, 1.24 million foreign workers have secured employment in the U.S. Meanwhile, native-born Americans have struggled, with 1.32 million fewer holding jobs than the year before. This labor shift is part of a broader trend that began before the pandemic and has accelerated under the current administration's policies.

Since 2019, the number of foreign-born workers employed in the U.S. has grown by 4.4 million, a figure that brings foreign employment back to pre-pandemic levels. In contrast, the job market for native-born Americans has been stagnant. Employment for this group has fallen by 833,000, with no significant recovery in sight.

Economist E.J. Antoni, of the Heritage Foundation, expressed concerns about the trend, stating, “Employment among foreign-born workers has increased by 4.4 million since pre-pandemic (and is back on trend), while jobs among native-born Americans have fallen 833k over that same time -- literally no progress in five years.”

Immigration Policies and Their Impact on Employment

The Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies, which have facilitated the entry of both legal immigrants and, according to some reports, illegal aliens, have played a key role in this labor market shift. The Pew Research Center found that as of 2022, more than 30 million immigrants, both legal and illegal, were employed in the U.S., a significant increase from 15 years earlier.

The study noted that while foreign-born workers have seen a 20 percent increase in employment over this period, the number of native-born workers added to the workforce has grown by less than 10%. This growing disparity has sparked concern among critics of the administration’s migration agenda, who argue that it has contributed to job displacement for U.S. citizens.

American Workers Feel the Pressure

The trend has raised concerns about the economic recovery and its uneven effects on different segments of the workforce. Native-born Americans, who have been slower to regain employment since the pandemic, now face growing competition from foreign workers. According to Antoni, “The August jobs report shows more pain for native-born Americans, who’ve lost more than 1.3 million jobs over the last year, while foreign-born workers have gained over 1.2 million jobs -- the American worker has been left behind in this ‘recovery.’”

The influx of foreign workers into the labor market has sparked debate among policymakers and economists about the long-term consequences for the American workforce. Some argue that the administration’s policies are necessary to fill labor shortages, while others believe they may be contributing to wage stagnation and job losses among native-born citizens.

Trump Criticizes Biden-Harris Approach

Former President Donald Trump, a vocal critic of the Biden-Harris immigration policies, has weighed in on the issue. He argued that the influx of foreign workers has displaced native-born Americans in the workforce. “So foreigners coming in illegally, largely illegally into our country, took the jobs of native-born Americans and I’ve been telling you that’s what’s going to happen,” Trump said in a recent statement.

The debate over immigration and its impact on the U.S. labor market is likely to remain a contentious issue in the lead-up to the next election. As the data shows, foreign workers have benefitted from the current administration’s policies, while many native-born Americans continue to face job losses.

Labor Market Trends Raise Concerns

The August report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics underscores the growing divide between native-born and foreign-born workers. While foreign workers have experienced job growth, native-born Americans have seen their employment prospects decline. The contrast between the two groups is stark, with no immediate signs of change.

Economists and policymakers are now tasked with finding solutions to address these imbalances. Whether through adjustments to immigration policies, workforce training programs, or other initiatives, the issue of employment disparities is likely to remain at the forefront of political discourse.

Conclusion: Foreign Workers Thrive, Native Workers Struggle

In summary, the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies have led to a significant influx of foreign workers into the U.S. job market, with more than 1.2 million gaining jobs in the past year.

At the same time, over 1.3 million native-born Americans have lost employment.

This shift is part of a broader trend that has seen foreign-born employment grow by 4.4 million since 2019, while native-born employment has stagnated.

As the labor market continues to evolve, the disparity between the two groups raises important questions about the future of the U.S. workforce.