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Biden hides catastrophic presidency from Americans by holding almost no press conferences

 April 25, 2023

President Joe Biden has been criticized for holding the fewest number of press conferences since Ronald Reagan's presidency in the eighties.

According to research by The American Presidency Project, Biden averaged only ten news conferences per year during his first two years in office, while Reagan averaged seven, Donald Trump 19.5, and Barack Obama 23. Biden has also conducted far fewer interviews, with just 54 in his first two years, compared with 202 for Trump and 275 for Obama.

During his recent visit to Ireland, President Biden deviated from the long-standing tradition of holding a news conference while abroad. Similarly, when he met with Colombian President Gustavo Petro, the two leaders opted not to hold a joint news conference.

New York Times White House correspondent Michael Shear reported that Biden's administration had been one of the least accessible to the press in 100 years, despite promising a transparent presidency.

The New York Times also notes President Biden's informal and informative Q&A sessions demonstrate his willingness to engage with journalists who regularly cover his presidency.

A Strategy to Avoid Criticism

The Times suggested that Biden's decision to withhold from the press is a deliberate strategy to spare him from criticism and embarrassment for his gaffes and awkward public moments.

The President's strategy aims to sidestep traditional media interactions in a new media environment, which critics argue results in a president with fewer moments of public accountability.

On April 16, Sky News Australia host James Morrow mocked Biden's trip to Ireland with a video that attracted more than 630,000 views.

“US President Joe Biden 'skipped' the traditional bilateral press conference with the Irish Prime Minister as unscripted questions are now 'too tough' for him to handle.”

White House officials claim this is part of a deliberate strategy to go around traditional news media to connect with audiences without being subjected to the filter of political or investigative journalists. However, others argue that Biden's camp is doing this to protect him from unscripted exchanges that have often garnered criticism and missteps.

White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt emphasized the need for a communications strategy that adapts to reach Americans through various media channels, not just through the briefing room or Washington-based news outlets.

LaBolt asserted that Biden had held nearly 400 question-and-answer sessions with reporters since taking office.

However, some argue that these exchanges with reporters are brief and, in some cases, journalists are seen shouting out their questions without receiving a response from the President or, if they do, typically a one or two-word answer.

Exchanges with Reporters Less Common

The American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara, shows that exchanges with reporters are far less common than they used to be.

According to the data, Biden averaged 10 news conferences per year during his first two years in office, while Trump averaged 19.5, Obama 23, and Bill Clinton 41.5. In addition, since taking office, Biden has not done a single interview with reporters from a major newspaper.

Comparisons with Past Presidents

The comparisons between Biden and past presidents regarding interviews reveal similar disparities. Longtime scholar of presidential communication Martha Joynt Kumar found that compared with Biden's 54 interviews since taking office (which include the ones with celebrities), Trump gave 202, Obama gave 275, George W. Bush gave 89, Bill Clinton gave 132, George H.W. Bush gave 96, and Reagan gave 106 all during the first two years of their presidencies.

The stats highlighted that President Biden's fewer interactions with the media and avoidance of answering critical questions undermined transparency and accountability for the American people and were contrary to democratic norms.