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Biden makes bizarre joke, then has to be shown how to exit stage

 May 11, 2023

In a recent speech, President Joe Biden drew laughter from his audience in Westchester County, New York, with a peculiar joke about the "thin walls" of his childhood home.

This attempt at humor, however, was just a piece of an eventful day where the President also managed to lose his way off the stage and took jabs at Republicans over the ongoing budget and debt limit negotiations, the Daily Mail reported.

Biden's ‘Thin Walls" Anecdote

Biden, in his speech, recalled his upbringing in a three-bedroom split-level home in a developing suburban neighborhood.

He humorously pondered about the thinness of the walls considering that his parents had to live with four kids and a grandparent. The remark generated some laughter from the crowd.

Navigational Challenges on Stage

Following his speech, Biden had some trouble finding his way off the stage. After stepping away from the podium, he paused, seemingly unsure where to go. He waited for guidance from an official, pointed to a door for confirmation, and then followed the official's lead.

It wasn't the first time the President had trouble finding the right exit, as the Republican National Committee's research arm noted, tweeting, "Biden once again gets lost as he attempts to exit the stage."

A Critique of Republican budget proposals

During the same speech, Biden took the opportunity to criticize the Republican negotiating position on the budget and the debt limit. He warned that their stance could risk plunging the U.S. into a default.

He commended Republican Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17), who voted for a budget plan Biden criticized for having "devastating cuts".

Lawler, representing a Hudson River Valley district, was one of five Republicans who flipped blue districts to Republican party control in the 2022 House elections. While he supports raising the debt ceiling to avoid default, he has called on Biden to negotiate with Republicans, a sentiment that was echoed in his response to Biden's visit.

Biden on MAGA Republicans

The President also aimed at what he called the "MAGA Republicans" and their control of the House.

He accused them of holding the economy hostage by threatening to default on the nation's debt unless their budget demands were met.

He claimed their proposed return to 2022 funding levels would severely cut veterans, teachers, and law enforcement benefits.

The Implication of Budget Cuts

Biden argued that the Republican budget cuts would result in the loss of 11,000 FBI agents, 2,000 Border Patrol agents, and numerous DEA officers.

He warned of potential shutdowns of 375 air traffic control towers and a significant reduction in veterans' health visits. He even claimed that such cuts could increase veteran suicides by reducing assistance.

The president is engaged in a public campaign to convince Republicans to reconsider their demands. However, despite a meeting with Republicans on Tuesday, there appears to have been little progress, with another discussion scheduled for Friday.

This speech was the latest chapter in a political saga that has the potential to impact America's economy and its citizens significantly. The ongoing negotiations around the budget and debt limit are critical issues, but they were somewhat overshadowed by Biden's stage mishap and his "thin walls" joke.

However, as the nation teeters on the brink of a potential default, it's clear that these serious matters deserve focused attention and earnest negotiation.