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Biden messes up attempted website message

By Sarah May on
 May 9, 2023

Amid devastating new poll results concerning his mental fitness for high office, President Joe Biden struggled on camera Monday when attempting to roll out a proposal to enhance consumer protections for air travelers, as the Daily Mail reports.

The embarrassing moments came during a video presentation the president made alongside Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and they did little to quell voter suspicions that the commander in chief is simply not up to the challenge of another four years in office.

Garbled Rollout

Biden appeared with Buttigieg to announce the start of a rulemaking process that, if successful, would compel airlines to reimburse air travelers for lodging, meals, ground transportation, and change fees if their flights are canceled or delayed for reasons within the carrier's control.

However, the president stumbled over the official name of the initiative – Flight Rights – in reference to the URL of the website created to provide Americans with details of the plan.

“First, we just launched a new website,,” Biden said, placing the letter “s” at the end of the wrong word.

Unfortunately, when he repeated the name of the URL for emphasis, he incorporated the exact same mistake.

“You deserve more”

By way of explanation of what the “Flight Rights” program purports to accomplish, Biden declared, according to the Associated Press, “I know how frustrated many of you are with the service you get from your U.S. airlines.”

“That's why our top priority has been to get American air travelers a better deal,” the president continued.

Endeavoring to display solidarity with consumers who have been subjected to the often-irritating vagaries of commercial air travel in recent years, Biden added, “You deserve more than just getting the price of your ticket [refunded] – you deserve to be fully compensated.”

“Your time matters, the impact on your life matters,” Biden stated.

Rulemaking Process to Begin

As the New York Post noted, Buttigieg also contributed his two cents during Monday's event, saying, “Summer travel is going to put enormous pressure on the system.”

“Airlines need to accept their fundamental responsibility to better serve passengers,” Buttigieg added.

Despite the administration's apparent enthusiasm for the compensation scheme, Biden acknowledged that the rules may not even be formally proposed until year's end, and from there, the road to finalization could take years.

Furthermore, as the Post notes, some airlines have already begun to question whether the Transportation Department even possesses the power to require compensation for flight delays as the administration claims it does.

Widespread Cognitive Concerns

Though in the broader context of errors and misstatements made by Biden during his Oval Office tenure, Monday's jumbled reference to the air traveler reimbursement proposal was relatively minor in nature, it arguably lends credence to what recent polling shows to be widespread voter concern about the president’s mental acuity.

As ABC News reports, 63% of Americans recently expressed their belief that Biden simply lacks the mental sharpness needed to be an effective president – a dramatic increase from the 43% who held that opinion back in 2020.

Furthermore, 68% of participants in the same poll declared Biden too old to continue in his current role past 2024.

Whether these trends will prompt the Democratic Party and Biden's own campaign to further limit the president's exposure to unscripted events or will force a more dramatic decision such as his replacement by an alternative candidate, only time will tell.